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  1. S

    Resident cat stalking and attacking new kitten

    Thanks for your reply! I would have started my own thread, but would have felt a bit silly as it would have had the same title. I see now though it’s a different situation. The 8m is neutered, we just need to wait another month on the 3m old, but will do him as well. I’d wondered if his...
  2. S

    Resident cat stalking and attacking new kitten

    Ok, thanks. I’ll give them a little more leeway. They seem to be making daily progress, I’m just so exhausted and looking for the light at the end of the tunnel 😮‍💨. I also want my sweet older kitten back, he’s so perfect and the reason we wanted a second, but I miss his sweet cuddles and hate...
  3. S

    Resident cat stalking and attacking new kitten

    Thanks so much for your reply, that’s really comforting. Should I continue to break it up when the little one squeals? Not sure if I’m overreacting when he’s crying or if I’m discouraging play. How much time do you think they need to acclimate to each other before they can both be out at...
  4. S

    Resident cat stalking and attacking new kitten

    Signed up to ask about the same issue. just brought home a 3m kitten, and our 8m kitten is stalking, mounting, and biting on the neck. They’ve been separated and slowly introduced, we’re on day 6. They both cry when they’re separated, but can’t be alone unmonitored. They are content to eat...