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  1. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    She was understandably super out of it when I picked her up around 3pm. Ate a small serving of food already at 5:30, getting a small second serving now and chowing down so the pain meds must be working well! Vet thought she might not eat tonight or even tomorrow very well so I'm happy about that...
  2. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Hi everyone! I just got the call from her veterinarian that all went well, she is woken up and I am free to pick her up. From my initial post, I had said I would be doing a dental with her standard veterinarian (which is what this was). They used x-rays throughout the procedure and found she...
  3. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Also as a more general update: although I had found the board certified dentist to be slightly out of reach budget wise (I know, I really do want the best care for Peach, but it comes down to what I can afford, even leaving nothing behind), I have discovered that he engages in a training program...
  4. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Oh sorry, to clarify, by "powder" I was talking about perio support plus not the coq10, I think the coq10 is intended to promote faster healing of the inflammation that is already present but I am not certain if this is backed by scientific studies like the powder is.
  5. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    I have not had a chance to discuss l-lysine with my vet so far but have seen it mentioned a lot, so I think I will. I will update you if I see any changes based on the coq10 or powder, but my vet advised she thought the powder would serve more as a preventative than a curative product(?) if that...
  6. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    A bit discouraged.... unfortunately the only AVDC certified specialist is simply out of the price range right now (~$7k, could be more) :sniffle:. I guess this is a good lesson for me about the costs of being a pet owner. I have what I thought would be sufficient savings, but this would exhaust...
  7. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Both of those articles I found helpful. I am not sure of the exact type, but I did see a post by my vet's office about doing laser therapy on a stomatitis cat, so that is something I will keep in mind to ask about
  8. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Hmm anyone have thoughts on this: I have been reading several reviews from people saying they were referred to our University's Community Animal Clinic for full mouth extractions due to stomatitis, but do not actually see any listing for them in the AVDC. I do not mind sharing it is the...
  9. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Thanks guys! I reached out to the only one in the state. I did figure they were few and far between, but I guess I never realized just how rare!
  10. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Thanks. I do believe that the fish oil omega 3 content is probably helping your cat!- I am a graduate student and my project is actually a formulation for sickle cell disease (it contains high omega 3 and is thought to decrease the inflammatory response in patients). I am going to see if fish...
  11. cytotoxic-cat

    ALOT of energy after spay

    Just in case! I saw your other post about cone alternatives, so heres just a little more context on how we did the getup for Winky. Really just made holes and sliced a old yellowing t-shirt up until it could be tied on
  12. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Thanks for your responses. This has me wondering what the key distinguishers are between a cat with periodontal disease and/or tooth resorption and a cat with stomatitis. The inflammation is currently pretty localized and has never affected her throat, palatte, tongue, cheeks (I know this could...
  13. cytotoxic-cat

    ALOT of energy after spay

    My rowdy 7 year old cat ripped out her stitches and played a lot fresh out of surgery when she got spayed at 9 weeks, but never had any problems (we did call the vet who confirmed there is more internal closures keeping the wound safe). Don't remember giving her anything special to get on the...
  14. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Just a little warning, they are in fact treat shaped, but I find the scent to be pretty similar to the powder and I consider them pretty hefty sized treats! Mine still crunches them even broken in quarters :yummy: Here is the size compared to a greenie if that helps
  15. cytotoxic-cat

    Willy might have cancer / high-grade lymphoma Treatment thread

    I am so sorry. 💔 Sending hugs- I will be thinking about you and sweet Willy and hoping for an uneventful night for you two
  16. cytotoxic-cat

    Stomatitis Care & Diet Suggestions

    Hello, Sorry in advance for the long post, but I thought the details may interest anyone going through a similar stomatitis situation and provide more clarity. I have been going through quite a few of the threads on here, trying to get my sweet Peach's (7 yr) mouth in heathy condition. She has...