Search Results

  1. aelovina

    Experience with cats on Prozac/fluoxetine?

    Yesterday I took our 7yr old fixed male, Sunny, to the vet. He's in good health, but has some anxiety and has been displaying territorial aggression with two of our other cats. The vet recommended Prozac to help with the aggression. We'll be trying pills first since that's the least expensive...
  2. aelovina

    Unpredictable territorial(?) aggression in resident cat disturbing the peace. Need advice and encouragement!

    At the end of September my fiancé and I took in two cats that needed an emergency rehome. We are having a problem with cat introductions and territorial aggression involving one of the cats. All cats are fixed. TLDR at the bottom. Resident Cats: Sunny- male, 7yrs old. The problem cat. Was a...