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  1. G

    Milos not happy!

    It's both pain relief and anti-inflammatory.
  2. G

    Milos not happy!

    The pain med is called Meloxidyl 0.5mg. Sadly after research I found out too late, the vaccine and injection site. I just have to hope all is well in the future.
  3. G

    Milos not happy!

    I'm sorry to hear about your little ones... I was first keen on giving it, doubted myself after he was ill, then heard a Vet say he sees a hell of a lot more Leukemia cases, than severe reactions to vaccines. The benefits outweigh the risks, especially for a cat who roams and mixes with ferals...
  4. G

    Milos not happy!

    Hi all at TCS, Milo is just over a year old, the most active cat I've ever owned, a tree climber, and the scourge of the local wildlife. However, for being such an outdoor cat, and in a neighbourhood known for strays the Vet (who lives in the same neighbourhood) advised a Nobivac Felv vaccine...