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  1. TazCal

    Kidney Disease Eating Habits

    No I don't think I transitioned using that ration of wet to dry... I think I tried like half n half at first and then reduced... So do you think if she has wet food he won't eat hers anymore? I feed them at the same times, however, he eats all of his in one sitting and she likes to graze so when...
  2. TazCal

    Kidney Disease Eating Habits

    Thanks so much for your response! I really like the microchip door idea! Im just concerned once he realizes her food is through the door he will big boy her and get in there lol! Not sure he dislikes his food because he eats it fine and yes we tried giving Cali wet food but both brands we've...
  3. TazCal

    Kidney Disease Eating Habits

    Yes he has been on the same amount of food for months lol! He has just been eating hers here and there so he has omly lost 2 lbs in like 7 months. Sometimes one of us will stand there and watch him to ensure he isn't getting in there while she is eating because he shoves his head right in next...
  4. TazCal

    Kidney Disease Eating Habits

    I have a cat Tazzy (20lbs) with kidney disease who requires wet food only and another cat Cali who eats kibble. They both have automatic food bowls that only open for their specific microchip collar, however, Tazzy has been holding Cali's automatic door to her bowl open with his head and...