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  1. J

    Runny Poops

    I wonder why is that? As far as I can see, the active ingredient is indeed a probiotic strain, is it because it’s not an effective one? I’ve heard many people buy it for flavor enhancing for picky cats. I’ve been using the Proviable by Nutramax, has many strains in it, but am looking for...
  2. J

    Runny Poops

    Hi there, I know it's an older post, but can you share which brand of probiotic you buy? They have so many on Amazon, but some have additives in them and I am not sure which one to buy. Also, how long did it take for diarrhea to stop after you started giving your cat the probiotic? Thanks!
  3. J

    Found this in cat's urine clump. What could it be?

    Thank you for that comment. I would hate for her to be in pain. The vet is telling me to keep monitoring but it's so hard for me not too worry about her :)
  4. J

    Found this in cat's urine clump. What could it be?

    Hi. No, she is spayed. I contacted the vet and they said it did not look like worms, they assume it's mucus from her bladder. If you look very closely, there are a few brownish "specks" in there that look like stones (and it's not litter). She did have an abnormal urinalysis 6 months ago, but...
  5. J

    Found this in cat's urine clump. What could it be?

    I found this sticking out of my cat's urine clump when cleaning her litter box this morning. It looks transparent, feels like rubber/hardened glue, but still flexible. the cat (Female, 10 y.o.) is not showing any urinary symptoms, drinking/eating/urinating normal. I sent the photo to the vet and...