Search Results

  1. kobusls

    Feline Cutaneous Asthenia

    Thanks for the resources! Just wanted for follow up for anyone who might be interested in this thread. After the visit to the vet we got an e-collar for him and continued to treat his ears, both for the mites and the cut. It was a lot of one step forward two steps back as anytime I gave him a...
  2. kobusls

    All Over Loose Skin - Normal or Should I take him to the vet.

    Hi! Your kitten sounds a lot like my Norm. We picked him up from a local farm back in July. They thought he was about 6 months old at the time and had been living outside with their other barn cats. The woman we got him from had been treating him for various cuts around his ears that she...
  3. kobusls

    Feline Cutaneous Asthenia

    Hi! Sorry for the long post just hoping to get some information on what we might be dealing with as far as Feline Cutaneous Asthenia. Specifically whether or not this is something that progressively worsens as they age, whether or not milder variations exist, quality of life, and experiences of...