Search Results

  1. C


    I went nuts on the NHV site last night and found some awesome supplements that are supposed to help with blood detox and cleansing of the lymphatic system (specific for cats undergoing cancer treatments). Thought it might be of interest to help with Holly's recovery. Ended up buying 6 total...
  2. C


    Wow thank you so much! I totally ruled out VCA since it was one of their ER vets that told me there's no hope. I didn't even think they would offer this type of treatment. THANK YOU THANK YOU!
  3. C


    I should mention Cleo isn't a candidate for the mandibulectomy because her tumor is in part of her maxilla, which I was told is one of the worst case scenarios. I was hoping to use electrochemotherapy to shrink it down and just prolong her life and comfort. I'm not in denial that this might be...
  4. C


    Does anyone know what facilities do electrochemotherapy in the Southern California region? It doesn't sound like the Veterinarian Cancer Group does this and neither does Access.
  5. C


    Thank you so much!! It's been such an emotional Rollercoaster. I bought this hemp oil with turmeric that seemed to immediately sooth Cleocatra's mouth. Hoping that the colloidal silver will help even more until we get in front of an expert. Appreciate the education and support.
  6. C


    Thank you so much! Glad Holly is on the up & up. :)
  7. C


    OMG YES! I am in Los Angeles, too, and it's crazy that it's so tough to find any vets who want to try to save my cat's life. I've scheduled an appt with a group but they can't even get me in until the 20th in their OC location. The emergency vet told me that there's no use trying to suppress...
  8. C


    Did the electrochemotherapy work? I took my cat to the emergency vet a few days ago in West LA and they basically said it's not worth surgery or treatment and to put her down because of her tumor location. I'm still appalled at that when I clearly said that I'll try anything. I've been trying...