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  1. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    We thought about it, we are waiting to see if she can adjust.
  2. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    A update: After tweaking the phenobarbital, we found a dosage which had been able to prevent the seizures from happening. It has been about a month now since she last had one. However she is still adjusting to the side effects of the medication, for example her balance is still off and she is...
  3. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    Update again: We just got off the phone with the cat neurologist who has been treating her. She has the spinal fluid results and says not to worry what the other vet said, it is not Feline Infectious Peritonitis as she would be showing major symptoms by now if it was, plus there are no lesions...
  4. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    Update: so 2 weeks ago we took her to the vet school and they did some tests with a EEG in front of some students and recorded the epilepsy. She has been on phenobarbital since, however there has been no improvement. She has not gotten any worse either, stable, unchanged. However this evening...
  5. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    Update: She is still doing her crisis's as usual. This morning we took her to the local veterinarian school to see a neurologist. After viewing the video compilation of her, they said this is a form of epilepsy and they have seen much worse in other animals before. We have reduced her dosage...
  6. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    Update: I have been filming Ouveà everyday, analysing the footage and marking down when the movements happen. She is still heavily sedated from the Phenobarbital. She doesn't want to play or do anything, just sleep 24/7. She still does the head movement often. When she is awake, it is...
  7. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    Her name is Ouveà, I her to our feet at night but she always crawls back to our heads in the middle of the night, it has always been her preferred spot to sleep. We contacted her breeder the other day and asked if there is any seizure like symptoms that run in her family, but she said no she...
  8. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    Update: video from today, the medication is not doing anything except making her zombie like. The movement It appears to happen every 20 mins or so, either awake or sleeping. When awake it is the usual head weave. When sleeping, it tends to be more viole with the sudden wake up, like you see in...
  9. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    Just to quickly add, I was wrong about the frequency of the head bob movements or sudden crisis wake up, I will confirm by filming her all day, but the phenobarbital is sedating her, that she rarely gets up at all during the day to go anywhere or do anything.
  10. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    If a mod can maybe move this thread to the Cat Health section that would be great. Sometimes I wonder if they really are seizures. The head bob movement can be triggered by startling sounds. Meanwhile I got clawed in my neck last night while she had a episode. day 5 starts now, i am going to...
  11. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    Update: It has been 4 days since starting Phenoleptil (Phenobarbital), the seizures have gone down quite a bit, they do come up sometimes but MUCH less frequently. The drug is making her very tired and sleepy all the time (24/7) and her balance is off. Though I heard this is a side effect of the...
  12. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    Update : MRI was today, she has no tumours and no infections. She was diagnosed with partial epilepsy she is now starting Phenoleptil.
  13. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    A little update, we moved up her appointment to today, they drew blood and found nothing. She is now scheduled for a MRI tomorrow to rule out tumours, and they are going to draw some fluid from her brain to test for a brain infection. They suspect she has partial epilepsy but they are doing...
  14. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    Another update: Still no change. She is booked for a CT scan on the 3rd of January. To answer the last question, the vet did not do any blood work and she is a indoor cat, she was not exposed to any toxic substances, plants etc that we are aware of.
  15. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    A little update. The antibiotic treatment did nothing. There has been no change. Her regular behaviour is normal as described before, still the playful kitty as usual. Our vet has now put her on Surolan which we put into both of her ears twice a day, if there is no improvement by next week, then...
  16. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    Here is a example of her what appears to be off balanced briefly while sitting and awake (@45 secs mark). I really hope it is just a inner ear infection as what the vet originally thinks.
  17. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    These spasms only happen when resting or sleeping. She poops, pees, eat drinks and acts normal throughout the day. It is only when she is resting or trying to sleep when this happens. She plays normally and never does the spasms while playing. She has never coughed up a furball in her entire...
  18. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    Here are 2 clips from this morning. All noises are made by her. No outside noise.
  19. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    Hello, Yes I showed the vet the videos. The vet inspected her ears but found nothing. She put her on antibiotic called Doxycycline. There has been no improvement at all since starting it yesterday. She does these spams sometimes when she is awake just resting with us on the sofa etc, but seems...
  20. G

    Involuntary movement spasms

    The noises are actually coming from her and or made by her (There is a video / audio sync delay) This happens to her all day long, and all night long, constantly doing the same thing. It is affecting her sleeping (and ours too)