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  1. Stargirl0623

    Cat Overgrooming After Surgery

    Mine did, yes! There was a bit of irritation from the stitches being removed that took another couple days to fully subside, but he was immediately more comfortable. The cone stayed so long mostly because he'd go at the area every time he was alone, I think it took a while to feel "normal" again...
  2. Stargirl0623

    Cat Overgrooming After Surgery

    That sounds like sutures, for sure! My cat had the same issue, the vet ended up removing them instead of waiting for them to dissolve, as he told me some level of itching and irritation while they're in there can be normal. Unfortunately, staying the course with #ConeLife is generally the best...
  3. Stargirl0623

    Cat Overgrooming After Surgery

    Hi, I'm sorry I missed this at time of posting! In my cat, it did take a bit more than two months before he was able to go fully without a cone or supervision! I know they say the surgery fully heals in a matter of weeks, but in my experience the irritation did stick around a bit longer...
  4. Stargirl0623

    does this P/U surgery site look okay??

    That's great news, and congrats on the healing! I'm glad he's doing a lot better. The turnaround when the clot comes off is absolutely wild to see, and I'm relieved to hear all is coming along nicely over there. I wouldn't worry too much about the stitches! My boy still had nearly all his still...
  5. Stargirl0623

    does this P/U surgery site look okay??

    I'm so glad things are turning around and he's feeling better! Progress with a PU recovery, at least for my boy, was incremental until I looked up one day and realized he was fully back to normal! As long as you didn't impact the surgical site, I'm sure a haircut was appreciated. My boy was...
  6. Stargirl0623

    does this P/U surgery site look okay??

    Hi, I just saw this! My boy went through a PU in September (thread here, I started out worried about his poops and then documented his healing process as we went), and I empathize with you a lot--it's a very stressful procedure for everybody involved, and the recovery can be brutal! The picture...
  7. Stargirl0623

    Fecal Incontinence Two Days After PU

    Of course! I was thinking of you this morning, and how kind you both were when I was going through the stress of seeing him through the operation. Wanted to let y'all know that he ended up being okay!
  8. Stargirl0623

    Fecal Incontinence Two Days After PU

    An update for the new year: several months out from PU surgery, he's still doing fantastic! Life in this household is fully back to normal, and I'm not worried about him on a regular basis anymore. He'll always need a special diet, and I check his box as a matter of daily routine to be sure...
  9. Stargirl0623

    Cat hasn’t peed since yesterday (post blockage)

    I understand your concern, and the financial impact is definitely real! Still, an obstruction is very painful and can do severe organ damage very fast, so I would watch him VERY closely and be prepared to take him back in at the first sign of discomfort and/or if he continues to not pee.
  10. Stargirl0623

    Cat hasn’t peed since yesterday (post blockage)

    Please get in touch with your vet about this IMMEDIATELY, as he probably needs to go back! That's nearly 24 hours with no urine and, unfortunately, once they've blocked once they're at high risk of reobstruction, especially in that first week afterwards. If he's not acting like he's in distress...
  11. Stargirl0623

    Still peeing in bed after cystonomy for struvite stone

    I had a cat recently have a major urinary surgery, and it took a solid two weeks before he had full bladder control back--he'd wake up in puddles or accidentally pee while on his way to the box fairly often after surgery, and it slowly improved with time. They just can't hold it while they're...
  12. Stargirl0623

    Cutaneous asthenia (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome)

    I'm not sure how relevant this is, but I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome myself and can vouch for it being a systemic disorder that's rather unpredictable in how it impacts body systems; I don't think I know two zebras who have symptoms that line up the same, and various symptoms do wax and wane...
  13. Stargirl0623

    Cat Overgrooming After Surgery

    Thank you! That's definitely what I'm hoping, that he'll get himself feeling clean again at some point in the near future and mellow back out. He is a cat who really likes water (I did a bit too good of a job getting him accustomed to bathtime when he was a kitten, he associates getting wet...
  14. Stargirl0623

    Cat Overgrooming After Surgery

    Hi all! My cat had a PU surgery in mid-September. He's finally at the point where he's got regular supervised freedom from the cone, it's been several days now, but he won't stop grooming himself. Isn't focusing on the incision site in particular, more like obsessively going, "every single bit...
  15. Stargirl0623

    Can my Himalayan Cat Travel through Air?

    Oh, he's gorgeous! I had a Himalayan when I was younger and we traveled with her with caution, but it really depends on the animal. If he's healthy and hasn't had breathing problems in the past, the risk is lower than if he's got existing issues, but never zero. Himmies are so prone to issues...
  16. Stargirl0623

    Fecal Incontinence Two Days After PU

    He loves that giraffe more than anything, myself included, I'm pretty sure! Got it for him when he was a baby, so he had something his own size to cuddle, and it's been his favorite ever since. He still carries it to bed every night and won't settle down to sleep unless he can find it. As soon...
  17. Stargirl0623

    Fecal Incontinence Two Days After PU

    An update! He's now a month out from surgery, and continues to flourish. We want to avoid overgrooming of a very delicate area so he still wears the cone when I can't watch him, but gets more and more supervised freedom each day. His mobility is nearly back to normal, he's got the go-ahead from...
  18. Stargirl0623


    Not a medical expert, only speaking from my own experiences and what I was told by my vet! My cat has a mild case of asthma that causes light coughing every few weeks during his allergy seasons, in the characteristic elongated neck posture, and my vet needed a very careful look at an x-ray to...
  19. Stargirl0623

    Avoiding Urinary Tract Problems - Advice

    Thank you for this! My four year-old ginger boy was one of those horror stories--blocked four times in a week and ultimately needed a PU to get him on the mend. I didn't realize until after the fact how many risk factors he had: slightly overweight, a boy, loves his crunchies, always been a...
  20. Stargirl0623

    Kitten with urinary tract blockage

    Oh, he's absolutely adorable! I'm very glad to hear that his bladder seems to be okay and that the meds seem to be helping--the combo of a general antibiotic and anti-inflammatories will cover a lot of bases and potentially fix a lot of issues, so it's a solid move if they can't tell exactly...