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  1. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    This is a reflex action so one would not expect it to be affected by things like general weakness or fatigue So glad they are improving!! There are few known viruses that can pass between cats and dogs, and the ones that do are very rare. Effectively it's only rabies, which infects all...
  2. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    @Sweetkittycats I did find that even when Bun was at his worst he couldn't resist these Churu things which the vet initially gave him to try. Although as of the last day your dudes were eating some so that's good.
  3. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    Hi @Sweetkittycats That is very perplexing. Interesting that Bun received Convenia as well, and I included that in the history because his nail infection happened not too long before the mystery illness. One notable difference from what you've described is that Bun never had a fever, although...
  4. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    "presently" in that chart means in September
  5. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    My Bun observations for reference 18/07/21 I notice Bun has nail infection Presently: 19/07/21 Vet visit Animal Medical Centre. Baytril prescribed. 1 dose administered, Bun refuses any further doses Eating and drinking normal, good apetite. Purrs when petted 21/07/21 Vet visit...
  6. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    Bun recovered completely after about 10 weeks, I'm so happy. 100% Bun, living his best life, annoying as ever. At one point I was thinking I will have to euthanize him (when he was still on the getting worse part of the curve) Are your kitties improving? Are they related btw? Can you describe...
  7. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    I took Bun to a veterinary neurologist who told me Bun has lost deep tendon reflexes. Vet suggested to get further testing to rule out diabetes, but I'm sure that's not it because Bun doesn't pee a lot and also my regular vet agreed that there is no indication he is diabetic. Another possibility...
  8. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    It's hard for me to describe and unfortunately I didn't have a before walking video. But I don't think it's one limb, I think it's all his limbs, and he didn't walk on his whole feet like that before. And the head bobbing is weird too. Well anyways, he came out of his bed today for the first...
  9. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    Bun is going to a neurologist next Tuesday. Here is a video I made for the neurologist to show some of his symptoms:
  10. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    Oh, the X-ray did show that Bun has a lot of poop in him and is constipated. This could be just incidental but GBS often results in constipation due to damaged colon innervation
  11. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    Bun update: I went back to vet who admitted he is looking like a cat with diabetic neuropathy. Bun was actually walking 5X better when he was there, I suppose that was the adrenaline. She looked over his bloodwork once more and nothing looks off. Blood glucose was somewhat elevated but that is...
  12. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    My first degree is in immunology and I work in medical research. I was never fanatically pro vaccine, but I wasn't anti either. I contacted the vet and am waiting for a call back. I have my suspicions and I will take bun to a neurology specialist to determine what is happening. And if it indeed...
  13. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    It was rabies and FVRCP-chlamydia. I wish I had never vaccinated him. I feel like I'm going to become a hardcore anti-vaxer now. Bun is eating well but his leg weakness is even worse. I think he is confused as to why his legs suddenly don't work. He is still able to wobble over to his litter box...
  14. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    Yes I will ask for that tomorrow! Bun seems to be in much better spirits now except for the difficulty in walking
  15. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    I now think its Guillain-Barre syndrome. Bun got vaccines 2 weeks ago. And as mentioned he also had a very thorough exam where everything looked normal. The onset of the apparent peripheral neuropathy was very sudden. I also realize that his neck is drooping (cervical ventroflexion) and maybe...
  16. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    Now that I think about it I'm not sure if he actually has a balance issue or if its that his legs are too weak to support him normally
  17. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    Bun definitely hasn't been drinking a lot of water. Probably less than usual because he was also eating less than usual. I'll ask for those test results from the vet and maybe take him for a second opinion. It's the long weekend and I don't really want to take Bun to a 24hr or emergency place...
  18. Misha_Bun_and_Pika

    Odd symptoms in cat

    Hi All, My 12 year old cat Bun has been sick for a week now. He didn't eat and was extremely lethargic at the beginning, and I took him to the vet after 2 days. He had an exam and also bloodwork done (although I don't know exactly what the blood test was looking at, I think it was a standard...