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  1. Katrina282

    Orphaned 4 day kittens....

    Kitten lady is one of the people I have been almost stalking for the past week!! She is brilliant and has coached me thru this more than she could ever realise.... I am looking forward to the running around stage... Although sadly, I will know my job here is virtually done then....
  2. Katrina282

    Orphaned 4 day kittens....

    Yes when we are able we plan to reunite them, but it works out easier to focus on two each, so my friend has the strongest 2 and I took the weakest as I had fed them for a few days so had a teeny weeny bit of experience! And thank you for your condolences.... She would have done a fab job as a...
  3. Katrina282

    Orphaned 4 day kittens....

    Thank you... That's so true..... My children are all adults except one.... I was semi-retired until these fellas came along!! But they are worth the effort.
  4. Katrina282

    Orphaned 4 day kittens....

    Hi All, I am new to here, normally, I don't join discussion groups or forums. However, on the 19th my friends cat, meow-meow, gave birth to 6 kittens, she was doing fantastic, I had bought extra supplements for her and kitten milk in case any were developing slower due to being a lot for meow to...