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  1. D

    How to determine if a community cat visit my yard?

    hi furballsmom, sure I will update if I see him/her.. :) I will attempt to bring her into the garage for sure as it is getting cold. I have no experience in pet/vet.. but I have searched and there is one near by. Thank you again for your help! :)
  2. D

    How to determine if a community cat visit my yard?

    Thank you very much Nora, really appreciate it! :) Regards
  3. D

    How to determine if a community cat visit my yard?

    Thank you fursball mom, really appreciate your prompt help :) Yes I just bought a camera. So I assume that I don't need to setup anything to attract him/her (just in case he/she is in), would that be correct? As for the footprints, for this winter I just see bunnies'. Thank you again :) Regards
  4. D

    How to determine if a community cat visit my yard?

    Hello all, A cat appeared in my backyard once in the afternoon two months ago (I haven't seen him/her during the day after that). I'm wondering if there's a way to see if he or she visit at night as well.. Weather is getting cold and I just want to see if there's anything that I can do to help...