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  1. K

    New kitten intro and vanilla trick tips

    I just recently got a kitten, he is about 11 to 12 weeks old, and I've had him for about 2 weeks now. I've been slowly trying to introduce him to my 7yr girl and 6yr old boy. Anyone who has tried the vanilla method, how did you go about doing it? Do you do it right before interaction or are...
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    Would it be a good idea to get a kitten?

    I know that's the gamble 😭 I have really been wanting another cat for a while regardless, but I'm trying to gauge if it's a good idea. And also justify it to my husband haha
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    Would it be a good idea to get a kitten?

    I am a huge advocate for adopting older cats. My only issue this time is how much harder it is, it took me almost a year to get my two to be cool with each other
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    Would it be a good idea to get a kitten?

    My cats are Greta 7F and Keith 6M, I introduced them when they were 3 and 2. They get along well for the most part, but aren't super affectionate. The main issues they have is that Keith can be a little bit of a bully with food (I feed him separately now), and he wants to play with Greta so bad...
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    Small rash on cats lip

    Hi, my cat has been dealing with cat acne for a few months now and it's finally to a point where it's absolutely getting better. Today I noticed that he suddenly developed this on the corner of his mouth and I'm not sure what it is. It only just started happening within the past couple days.
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    Food obsessed cat stealing food

    Yeah Keith has absolutely learned that he can steal food when my back is turned. He walks away when I'm watching them and tell him no but otherwise he's on it.
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    Food obsessed cat stealing food

    Unfortunately with the automatic feeder, I have let Keith just have it since they go off while I'm either not home or sleeping. Otherwise I have started to just feed then separately.
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    Food obsessed cat stealing food

    Hi, I have had my two cats for about 3 years now. I introduced them as adults, it's had it's ups and downs but it's worked out mostly. They're not exactly in love with each other but they don't hate each other either. Recently my younger male cat Keith has been pressuring and pushing my older...
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    Cat acne, what do I use?

    Hi, my cat has started getting acne in his chin after switching his bowl to a flat type, it's not plastic he's just a messy eater. My vet recommended benzoyl peroxide for when he gets break outs but for the life of me I can't find anything to get. Does anyone who has dealt with this issue...
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    Cat morning aggression getting worse

    @Alldara I will look into a lick mat. It's usually dry food, I try to do wet food once a day but sometimes I don't have the time. I do have a couple food puzzles so I'll try keeping those stocked up. I will also try leaving a few pieces here and there for them to find throughout the house. I...
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    Cat morning aggression getting worse

    Free feeding and leaving food out has never worked for either of them, I only just got Gretas weight under control from free feeding her when I first got her. I feed them usually 3 times a day over a 12 or so hour period, the biggest meal being at night. He has been terrorizing her at any time...
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    Cat morning aggression getting worse

    Lately it feels like the earlier I get up, the earlier they start this nonsense. If I get up at 9 they start at 8, if I get up at 8 they start at 7, and so on. I have 3 multi cat defusers set around the areas they frequent, they used to help a lot but have stopped working since this issue...
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    Cat morning aggression getting worse

    I could use some help about my cat being aggressive every morning because honestly I'm going absolutely insane and I'm going to rip my hair out. My two cats were introduced to each other later in life, Keith M and Greta F, about 2 years ago and they got accustomed to each other but not really...
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    Cat just diagnosed with diabetes

    I'll shop around She managed to find Lantus for $70 but I don't feel right about throwing out so much unused insulin every month or every other month. My vet is only doing 12 weeks worth of monitoring every 2 weeks in order to make sure he is stable at the right dose, it's not too bad for cost...
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    Cat just diagnosed with diabetes

    Thank you!
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    Cat just diagnosed with diabetes

    Hi, So my mom's cat Zabuza just recently got diagnosed with diabetes and she is pretty overwhelmed with the cost. I am taking care of it so that he can get the treatment he needs but the least expensive insulin glargine I'm finding is $150 (that's after coupons/discounts). He's being...
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    Transitioned to new food - they don't like it

    Thank you guys for commenting I appreciate it!
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    Transitioned to new food - they don't like it

    They have 3 of them, so them not being clean enough is my fault because of mental illness. I have a rotating alarm to tell me when to do it now a days
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    Transitioned to new food - they don't like it

    No worries I just needed to get that out there since I was getting a lot of the same website. I am prone to anxiety about my cats since they have FIV and I'm trying to prolong their life as much as possible. I will monitor how the values progress when they are due for their next check up. He...
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    Transitioned to new food - they don't like it

    I'm going to be honest here, all of these replies are pushing me into thinking my 3 yr old cat has CKD and Tanya's website is overwhelming and pushing me further into panic.