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  1. Kodac

    Biting/attacking people

    Thank you! We try to play with it as much as we can and I know I lift my hands away and hold my hands still and out of the way once the kitten starts biting hard as well as saying no. We're not sure on the age because the person we got it from said it was older but after we got it we were like...
  2. Kodac

    Biting/attacking people

    Thank you for the advice!! We definitely try to not use our hands during play and use toys on long strings/wands. Will have to get a stuff toy then and remember about "breaking play" when necessary.
  3. Kodac

    Biting/attacking people

    I have a kitten and haven't raised a kitten (have only had older cats before) and the kitten keeps attacking/biting people, mostly hands but will bite anything it comes into contact with. I know this happens during play but this kitten bites quite hard and randomly attacks/bites. We don't want...
  4. Kodac

    Help identify kitten's sex

    Thank you!
  5. Kodac

    Help identify kitten's sex

    Pretty sure this kitten is female but am not 100% because I've never had to identify a kitten's sex. We were told it's male but the more I researched, the more I doubted that information. So is it actually female or male? Thanks for any help!