Search Results

  1. OreoCoco

    Cat Behaviorist Recommendation

    Looking for a recommendation for a cat behaviorist. At my wits end with my 7-year-old male cat, Oreo. He has urinated again in the middle of my bed as well as on every upholstered furniture cushion in the house. I use Sofa Scrams on all of the furniture now. (Luckily, I have a dry cleaner...
  2. OreoCoco

    Cat Urinating on Sofa

    Have 2 cats, male and female litter mates, 7 years old, neutered. Adopted them 5 years ago. Male cat, Oreo, urinated on the sofa about a month ago. This was the first time he did anything like this but now it happens every week. Vet said he is fine. I give him CatMX twice a day, have...
  3. OreoCoco


    Oreo, my 7 year old long haired male cat, was not shaved this spring (as usual) and had UTI symptoms. After x-rays, ultrasound, antibiotics, tranquilizers, and prescription wet food, Vet said that the long hair around his rear end wrapped around his penis and he was not able to urinate...