Search Results

  1. Lunabbg


    So my kitten has recently started eating soft food, my sister was mixing it to give her some food. My sister said she saw a maggot in her food, I'm worried about what's causing maggots in her food, we've been feeding her these foods and haven't saw one before. Also, what should I do if she's...
  2. Lunabbg

    What is my kittens breed?

    Can anybody help me find out my new kittens breed?
  3. Lunabbg

    Swallowed bottle nipple

    Thank you! That's a relief 😄
  4. Lunabbg

    Swallowed bottle nipple

    Hi, my family just found a very small kitten, about 3-4 weeks old, she is currently bottle fed and she swallowed the tip of the nipple. I'm worried she could choke, or have digestive problems. I am mainly worried about choking since I'm not sure what to do in that situation. Please tell me if I...