Search Results

  1. Hannah518

    Renal failure and limping

    Hello! My vet suspects my 13 year old white and orange kitty, Taki has early signs of renal failure. Increased thirst and urination, eating a bit less. His bloodwork didn’t indicate a major change in his diet needed to happen yet. He’s overweight (always hovered between 16-18 and has lost some...
  2. Hannah518

    Deck Hand brand at Whole foods - possibly early renal disease

    Hello! I have a senior kitty 13/14 years. He’s never really been a too picky about eating but has never enjoyed an all wet diet. He used to eat more when I had my other cat who I lost in January to cancer. But this is because he was a competive cat that ate just so my other could not. This also...
  3. Hannah518

    Feline herpes? Best treatment?

    So I adopted a kitty from a shelter and she’s been tested negative for ringworm but has had some nose scabs and eye goo for the past three weeks. She’s been taking lysine twice a day and eye drops the last few. The weather got cold again and she started sneezing this past few days. If she has...
  4. Hannah518

    Help! New cat health issues, 3 vet visits. Feeling lost

    Hello! I know I’ve posted separate posts for my new cats issues in the past couple weeks. I apologize but I’m getting so stressed out I just needed to put it all in one place. I feel like I’m going crazy. Before we took her home two weeks ago (will be two weeks tomorrow) she had a vet check up...
  5. Hannah518

    How long does blood last after deworming?

    Hello! My foster kitty took her first dose of deworming meds on Saturday. This morning I still noticed blood in her stool. Is it common to see blood during this process still? Her stool sample with blood came back negative last week. But the. I visibly saw worms in her poop so they treated her...
  6. Hannah518

    Nose peeling off?

    This foster kitty I’ve had for a week is sweet and loving but has so far had upper respiratory, and worms. And today I noticed a small chunk of her nose is gone? Anyone know what this might be and why it happened over night? She has not interacted with any other cats or animated. Showed no...
  7. Hannah518

    Moving to a new place with a cat.

    Sorry is this redundant in a post. But I am fostering a 9 mo kitty right now and of course now I want to adopt. But we have a resident kitty who is a senior. We move in a month. Horribly timing I know. Right now that are just smelling each other. Should I wait to introduce the cats until AFTER...
  8. Hannah518

    Has anyone gotten worms from their cat? (Picture warning)

    Hello! So I took in a foster kitty this week. I have kept her separate from my resident cat (they’ve seen each other a few times from a distance and smelled each other, but are in different rooms and use different litter boxes. The foster kitty has worms. I noticed her stool was bloody Thursday...
  9. Hannah518

    Dry skin, scabs, itching?

    So I noticed a couple scabs on my cats head where he’s been scratching. He has always had some anxiety so over grooming happens when he is stressed and started doing this again after his brother passed at the beginning of the year. He’s been very needy for love. We’ve been giving him loads of...
  10. Hannah518

    Fostering, intro to resident cat, and moving.

    Hello! So with all this virus crap going on, I decided to take in a foster for a few weeks to help out the shelters. We are picking her up tomorrow. I DO have a 13 year old cat to introduce to her. I’m a bit nervous but I have read up a lot on introductions and will be patient and gradually...
  11. Hannah518

    Rapid breath/purring/anxiety

    Hello. I have quite the anxious kitty. We lost his brother last weekend so my focus has been making sure Taco is okay. I know cats are supposed to breathe 20-30 bpm, but on and off I noticed my cats breath is rapid. When he is purring, stimulated, or even if I’m just watching him. (He also tends...
  12. Hannah518

    Goodbye Iago, my Iggy, my King. <3

    Saturday I had to say goodbye to my sweet boy, Iago. He had been fighting cancer since early fall. Unfortunately, it had spread throughout his body so we were only able to treat the symptoms for his remaining months, but he sure did put up a good fight. He had many great days, I took time off...
  13. Hannah518

    Squawking sound after vomit

    So my dear Iago is going to the vet tomorrow morning for a follow up and possible follow up xrays. He had them back in November and it ended up being bad news. Little guy has nodules in his organs and lungs so it was assumed he has cancer. He’s been on prednisolone and eating, drinking, stools...
  14. Hannah518

    Yowling and Urination

    Hello! So my other cat Taki is a howler, always has been. He’s been a bit more vocal since my other cat has been in decline because of cancer. But I noticed he is yowling after urination. In October we took him in for bloodwork and tested for diabetes. All bloodwork good and diabetes test...
  15. Hannah518

    Recalled Cat Food

    Anyone have any experience with recalled canned/dry cat food? A few weeks ago, I gave both my cats a can of the Pro Plan weight management and they both had it coming out both ends and had to be taken to the ER for fluids. It was an awful experience. I wish I could have helped them. I'm not sure...
  16. Hannah518

    Reoccurring scab

    Hello! So my cat had an ultra sound a few months back. I’ve noticed a little scab spot that gets red and then fades off and on. They found thickening in his intestines and he is suspected to have cancer as I have mentioned in posts before. I wonder if he irritates while grooming sometimes? It...
  17. Hannah518

    Cancer and constipation

    Hello! My 13 year cat Iago started to loose weight rapidly. Too keep it short we did an ultra sound and they found nodules throughout his body and suspect cancer. He may only have a week- month with me but he’s suffering from costipation but with liquid/bright blood stools. He had an enema last...