Search Results

  1. Cleo Savannah

    I Have Not Found A Brand Or Flavor Of Dry Food My Savannah Will Eat Regularly...

    I'm trying to ween my cat off wet food so she can self feed dry from a feeder. I've tried all the best, high pried dry's (Origen six fish, Instinct with dry pellets, Origen chicken, Iams, Royal Canine Savor, Blue, Taste of the Wild). She eats a little the first day out of curiosity whenI feed...
  2. Cleo Savannah

    Bitter Spray Idea To Keep Cat From Gnawing At Her Splint.

    Is there such a product? Cleo is constantly pulling at the tape desperately trying to get her splint off. Yesterday I had to drive my already nervous, rehabbing cat to a friends home to re-tape her splint while I held her tight with a towel. No chance I could have done this alone. I...
  3. Cleo Savannah

    Be Careful Of A Vet Recommending A Narcotic For Your Cat When It May Not Be Necessary.

    I was at a vet, waiting to be seen in a busy waiting room. I noticed my vet (first time visit) recommended a sedative because my cat was being "aggressive" in the back and that he "didnt want to put his staff at any undue risk due to my out of control cat." My cat is miserable. There is no...
  4. Cleo Savannah

    My Year And A Half Old Savannah Reacting Strangely To Buprenorphine Sr

    Cleo got a shot for a broken paw yesterday at noon. It is now 18 hours later and she's acting loopy, distant, confused and scared. Are these normal reactions to this drug? (time released). She didnt sleep with me last night for the first time. Am I over reacting?