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  1. S

    2 Of Our Cats Are Lethargic, Barely Eating, And Seem To Have Trouble Balancing

    Update: The kitties are doing a lot better today. My cat climbed the stairs by herself, wanting to go outside. Yesterday she was barely able to climb the stairs. They both seem to have a lot more energy too. Hopefully they continue to get better.
  2. S

    2 Of Our Cats Are Lethargic, Barely Eating, And Seem To Have Trouble Balancing

    That might work, I'll have to talk to my boyfriend, he's the one with good credit. Before I make any decisions like that though I'm going to see if they feel better after eating more. They've been nibbling on their food throughout the day. I hope they just caught a bug or a cold or something
  3. S

    2 Of Our Cats Are Lethargic, Barely Eating, And Seem To Have Trouble Balancing

    I think its privately owned, it belongs to a group of 3 clinics in different towns around here. All owned by the same person I'm pretty sure. They all have the same policies too. They told me they don't do payments anymore cause too many people were taking advantage of it (just flat out not...
  4. S

    2 Of Our Cats Are Lethargic, Barely Eating, And Seem To Have Trouble Balancing

    I'm so upset, I'm so worried. I already almost lost my cat a few years ago when she had her second litter of kittens. There was complications during birth and she had to have an emergency c-section and spaying. That was at the same vet, they let us do payments back then, but they won't now. I...
  5. S

    2 Of Our Cats Are Lethargic, Barely Eating, And Seem To Have Trouble Balancing

    Thank you for all the suggestions. I will look into that kitten glop thing. Right now until I can figure out a way to get their bloodwork done that won't literally break our bank, I'm just worried about them eating. They aren't dehydrated, the vet said so, so that's good.
  6. S

    2 Of Our Cats Are Lethargic, Barely Eating, And Seem To Have Trouble Balancing

    Update: We went to the vet and they determined its not constipation. Unfortunately, they don't know whats wrong, as we couldn't afford to get blood work done. It would have been 150$ per cat for bloodwork, which, on top of the rest of the bill, would have been about 500-600$ which is my...
  7. S

    Recent Diagnosis Means Feeding My Cat Z/d Dry/wet There An Alternative?

    My boyfriend's parents had to feed the same food to one of their cats. Only they just fed him the dry food, not the wet. They had like, 8 cats at the time. The cat that needed it (his name was Whisky) actually refused to eat the other cat's food so, they just left the normal food out for the...
  8. S

    2 Of Our Cats Are Lethargic, Barely Eating, And Seem To Have Trouble Balancing

    Update: I have an appointment for them tomorrow morning. They're still about the same as yesterday, maybe a bit of improvement. Here's hoping its nothing serious.
  9. S

    2 Of Our Cats Are Lethargic, Barely Eating, And Seem To Have Trouble Balancing

    Or I could start getting them catnip from the store again
  10. S

    2 Of Our Cats Are Lethargic, Barely Eating, And Seem To Have Trouble Balancing

    Yeah I'm definately not going to be feeding them anymore catnip from him. It sucks because idk anyone else who grows catnip, but I guess it's common so it shouldnt be too hard to find a better source.
  11. S

    2 Of Our Cats Are Lethargic, Barely Eating, And Seem To Have Trouble Balancing

    Update: I massaged their bellies a bit and they both farted. It stank like hell. Both of their bellies feel pretty bloated where their intestines are. So I'm leaning more towards a blockage or constipation.
  12. S

    2 Of Our Cats Are Lethargic, Barely Eating, And Seem To Have Trouble Balancing

    From a friend of ours, it grows in his yard, and he's given it to us before. But he has neighbours that have tried to poison his cats before, or so he's said.
  13. S

    2 Of Our Cats Are Lethargic, Barely Eating, And Seem To Have Trouble Balancing

    I should add, the sick cats are 6 years old and 1 year old, both female, both fixed. There's nothing wrong with them externally.
  14. S

    2 Of Our Cats Are Lethargic, Barely Eating, And Seem To Have Trouble Balancing

    Our other 2 cats are fine. We treated them all for fleas about 2-3 weeks ago but the lethargy only really showed up like, yesterday morning in 2 of our 4 cats. Our neighbour also used the same brand on her cat, (Zodiac) and he's fine too. (I know Zodiac's not a very reputable brand, my mom...