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  1. MeiMei

    I Found a Single Flea, what do I do!

    Okay, so Mei Mei hasn't had fleas in a very long time. Solely and indoor cat, no other cats. I'm not sure where this flea came from. And I haven't seen a second one??? In the past, I used Hartz Ultra guard flea collar with no issue. But after a few emergency health issues Mei has had I'm...
  2. MeiMei

    Switching from Hill's to Royal Canin

    I actually called his vet directly just a few minutes ago and she said they're basically the exact same food, one just looks different. And that he would be absolutely fine switching!
  3. MeiMei

    Switching from Hill's to Royal Canin

    Okay, so for the last 3 years, my boy has been on Hills C/D Stress canned food for urinary crystals and stress. Hill's apparently has a shortage and not even my vet is able to get a hold of more than 5 cans. They suggested I switch to Royal Canin Urinary SO until Hill's picks back up with...
  4. MeiMei

    Post-Surgery Anxiety

    OH yeah absolutely. He's gone to the bathroom a bunch. 1 & 2. He's getting back to his normal personality. Which is honestly a sh*tlord. 😂😂
  5. MeiMei

    Post-Surgery Anxiety

    Does it look... Normalish? My mom comes to watch him while I'm at work during the day, and says it looks normal. But he's never had stitches before since he's been with me, and I as a person have never had stitches so I have NO IDEA what I'm looking at.
  6. MeiMei

    Post-Surgery Anxiety

    I have no idea what stitches look like when they're healing. He's pretty active. And the incision isn't draining or bleeding or seeping. Doesn't seem to hurt him much. *he tries to rub his cheeks on literally everything.* I just worry a whole a** lot. It feels a bit hard and raised, but his vet...
  7. MeiMei

    Post-Surgery Anxiety

    Yeah. I mean most cats will be a bit off for a few days I suppose after a surgery. I'm just a wiggy cat mom with lots of anxiety.
  8. MeiMei

    Post-Surgery Anxiety

    Mei Mei had a small cyst removed from his cheek on Friday, along with one tooth extraction. I'm just having mega anxiety and need some advice on how kitties are supposed to act with stitches and such. He's had dental cleanings and extractions before, but for the life of me I can't remember him...
  9. MeiMei

    Suddenly going under the bed?

    Mei Mei has recently started going under the bed. Still eating (a lot) drinking water, and using the restroom. Has had some soft stools, but nothing super out of the ordinary. Still active at night (loud, running about and such). He seems basically the same, save for instead of napping on the...
  10. MeiMei

    Possible Lipoma?

    Plus I'm sure to keep the area clean. Warm water, witch hazel when necessary to disinfect. If it gets any bigger I'm 100% taking him back. But so far it just seems like his body formed it inside then pooched it out,
  11. MeiMei

    Possible Lipoma?

    Oh nono it's wasn't bleeding on its own. It's in a place on the side of his neck/under his ear where cats scratch pretty regularly, so I think he just clipped it with his nail. It just looks like a fleshy balloon.
  12. MeiMei

    Possible Lipoma?

    I posted about Mei's lump about a month ago I'd say, and since then I've taken him to the vet tk get his shots and get checked out. So, it started out as like, a little nodule under the skin. Movable and squishy. Now it seems like the entire mass is now on the outside. It's a bit red and mad...
  13. MeiMei

    Squishy Lump

    Here's a bit better photo. It's smaller than the tip of my pinky finger. But it feels pretty deep.
  14. MeiMei

    Squishy Lump

    Here's a photo I took of his little spot. You seem to have a lot of bump knowledge!
  15. MeiMei

    Squishy Lump

    I'm trying to get the money together as we type, but by tight I mean I don't have the money AT ALL and it's kind of scary. I hope I can get him in soon. :bawling2::bawling2::bawling2:
  16. MeiMei

    Squishy Lump

    Mei mei will be 9 this year! He had his full yearly blood panel done in late March, which came back 100% healthy. I'm going to try to get him in to see his vet as soon as possible, funds have been tight recently so it's a tough time going.
  17. MeiMei

    Squishy Lump

    Ah well it's not really an injury. He's an indoor cat and is a bit, might I say, chönky. There's no wound or anything associated with it. Just a squishy pea sized lump. He let's me poke it and look at it without any fuss (unlike his chin acne. He always fights me when I clean that). Sonim not...
  18. MeiMei

    Squishy Lump

    Haven't posted here in a while! Mei mei has been in really good health for a while, but recently he's developed a squishy lump sort of by his jaw/neck? It's movable and it doesn't bother him when I touch it. It's come up to the surface a bit like a cyst would maybe?? The top is just a bit...
  19. MeiMei

    Tooth Extraction And Anxiety!

    He is doing really well!! Eating lots of food, going to the box regularly, and is more or less back to his normal self!
  20. MeiMei

    Tooth Extraction And Anxiety!

    I just got off the phone with the vet and he was not given the injectable solution at all. They don't even carry it at the hospital. He was only given 3 tiny oral suspension doses to take once every 24 hours. I expressed my concerns and they totally understood and cleared it all up for me...