Search Results

  1. Ms. Snarls

    Catdolescence - Suddenly I've Got A Moody Teenager

    My kitty is about 7 months old and over the last couple of weeks has turned into an angsty teen! He constantly begs to go outside (and it is getting really cold here in Michigan!) and meows at the door constantly. He'll whine for us to play with him, and then when we do try, half the time he...
  2. Ms. Snarls

    Smoky Black Cat - I Think He Is A Maine Coon?

    I have been Mitch's guardian for two months now, he is just over 5 months old now and weighs about 5.5 pounds. Personality-wise, he lovesssss attention and following me around, very active/curious/playful, and also a thinker. I constantly see the wheels in his brain turning before he decides to...
  3. Ms. Snarls

    Indoor/outdoor Cat?

    I have read in different places that outdoor cats live significantly shorter lives than indoor cats. I have an enclosed patio area behind my apartment and like to let my kitty play out there. I also like to let him explore a grassy field (on a leash) that is a shared space with my apartment...
  4. Ms. Snarls

    Pate Vs. Flaked - Does It Matter?

    My kitten is about 5 months old. He is a good eater, not picky, and drinks a lot of water. I'm waiting on getting his fecal test done at a vet appointment that is coming up because he has had some loose funky stools, he definitely has giardia or cocchia (or t. foetus, fun fun!), but he is...