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  1. Farleyk32

    Kitten Ate Plumbers Putty

    Lol yes!!! So frustrating. I just went downstairs again for the 3rd time today with a flashlight looking in nooks and crannies again. Maybe there was only that part to begin with. Who knows. I’m driving myself crazy though. And Edgar is excitedly following me around wondering what we’re...
  2. Farleyk32

    Kitten Ate Plumbers Putty

    I have crawled everywhere with a flashlight to no avail.
  3. Farleyk32

    Kitten Ate Plumbers Putty

    Lol, no mice or rats!!
  4. Farleyk32

    Kitten Ate Plumbers Putty

    Well, he just pooped a nice pile today so we’ll just have to keep a good eye on him. I went downstairs and tried to find the rest of it this morning but couldn’t find it- i threw the half i did find on the floor to see what Edgar would do with it, if he looked like he would start to eat it. He...
  5. Farleyk32

    Kitten Ate Plumbers Putty

    so here’s something interesting- about 4-5 days ago I noticed something white and sticky in my 5 month old kittens fur. It reminded me of gum. I searched the house up and down and found nothing. So tonight I was in the basement and happened to look under the utility sink and there was HALF a...
  6. Farleyk32

    Hard For Kitten With Uri To Breathe???

    So to update on the sneezing blood kitty- the vet put him on a different antibiotic (cefadroxil) and she said sometimes the virus just messes up the nose so that's probably why the blood. She said the only way to really see what was going on in there was to scope his nose but that's a little...
  7. Farleyk32

    Hard For Kitten With Uri To Breathe???

    No. No cultures. But I definitely have to call tomorrow. A few times in the last few days when Oliver has sneezed there is some bloody mucous from his nose. So either his nasal passages are really irritated from sneezing or ‍♀️ The odd thing is, besides his stuffiness/snot noises coming from...
  8. Farleyk32

    Hard For Kitten With Uri To Breathe???

    Thanks. Praying it gets better soon.
  9. Farleyk32

    Hard For Kitten With Uri To Breathe???

    I talked to the vet on Thursday, they said to finish this antibiotic (we have 3 1/2 more days.). He's on Clavamox, the first antibiotic he took was amoxicillin. We usually sit in the steam - 45 minutes at a time or longer. (I'll turn the water on a few times to steam it up while we're in...
  10. Farleyk32

    Hard For Kitten With Uri To Breathe???

    Does anyone have any thoughts on how ling this lasts??? His stuffiness has been on and off of varying degrees for a week now. Its getting frustrating.
  11. Farleyk32

    Hard For Kitten With Uri To Breathe???

    He likes hanging out in the bathroom I think. :)
  12. Farleyk32

    Hard For Kitten With Uri To Breathe???

    Thank you!
  13. Farleyk32

    Hard For Kitten With Uri To Breathe???

    And I saw a youtube video about giving nosedrops which I think I will go get- but she soaked a qtip with the nose drops and then dropped them in the nose like that. Worth a shot- I'm not sure how willing a participant Oliver will be since we're already coming at him a few times a day with...
  14. Farleyk32

    Hard For Kitten With Uri To Breathe???

    I just can't wait until they both feel better at the same time. :)
  15. Farleyk32

    Hard For Kitten With Uri To Breathe???

    Thank you so much for your answers I will definitely try some. I'm willing to try anything at this point so he'll start to breathe better. Its so pathetic listening to him snort and struggle.
  16. Farleyk32

    Hard For Kitten With Uri To Breathe???

    Thank you so much!! I will try the salt idea- maybe i could boil the salt, put it in the steamy bathroom with us the next time i take him in there. Maybe the salt simmer and bathroom steam would mingle. :). I'll try that though, he'll be safe from boiling water he just hangs out on the...
  17. Farleyk32

    Hard For Kitten With Uri To Breathe???

    Hello I'm hoping for some help here. I'm a nervous anxious ball of mess.. so I have two kittens I recently adopted from a shelter. Oliver is 4 months old. Edgar is 3 months old. Theyve been passing a URI back and forth now since I got them and right now its Olivers turn. He had amoxicillin...