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  1. kendalcm


    I have some. I actually just bathed her in the antifungal shampoo yesterday and rubbed some crusties off, so today I will dip her. As far as the ointment goes, would a medicated one be okay? I have vetropolycin and terramycin on hand. That's awesome that the dips worked so well for y'all, even...
  2. kendalcm


    Awesome thanks. I just listened to the first video at the hour mark. So basically we only have one half of the equation with the itraconazole, and she didn't say anything about antifungal creams, just lime sulfur. So I'm going to watch the next video about the eye situation. Thank you so much...
  3. kendalcm


    Thank you for the response. I did read that article and some of the 35 pg thread about it and also the cleaning article, but I never saw the video. I will go back and watch it now that you pointed it out. I'm just confused as to why my vet didn't recommend any additional treatment besides the...
  4. kendalcm


    I've started one other thread here about my kitten (Scout) who ended up getting her eye removed, and we're finally over that, and she's getting to be around the other cats and have free roam of the house like a normal cat, and I felt like the storm was over... And then BAM my other cat's asthma...
  5. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    Hahaha I know right.
  6. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    Walked in my room to find this scene.
  7. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. :geekcat:
  8. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    Thanks! I did feed them together that day and everything went well. They seem to be doing better each day.
  9. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    Update: We got our stitches out and cone off tuesday. She's still adjusting to the other two cats and vice versa. They're all pretty hissy right now, so I'm just keeping her near me and then putting her back in the room when I leave the house and at night. She's finally able to burn off some...
  10. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    Haha! It definitely looks like a comfy pillow. :zzzcat:
  11. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    Thanks! I actually ordered it on Amazon. They have a few different colors to choose from too.
  12. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    I just have to feed her lots of small meals. She is so excited that she takes a few bites and tries to run off and play, then comes back for a few more bites, and so on. At night I usually give her a bottle with some Pedialyte added just to make sure she's getting enough fluids since she has...
  13. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    Update: We made another trip to the vet this week for two reasons. One, her pain medicine vial broke (cat(s) pushed it off the counter), so I had to get her a refill. Two, there has been a little blood in the nostril on the side of the surgery. Doctor said as long as it's not actively bleeding...
  14. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    Thank you. I figure she's used to only using her good eye anyway, so she should do okay as long as get through the next 2 weeks with these stitches without any hiccups. Glad your kitty adjusted to it well. That is encouraging. He is so handsome. :heartshape:
  15. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    Thank you for the kind words and sound advice.
  16. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    UPDATE: Today was surgery day. Everything went well. The eye ruptured at the beginning, but there was no sign of cyst/tumor/abscess that was causing this. She said it must have been congenital. They said she was back there playing with a ball after she woke up, and she got cuddled and doted on a...
  17. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    I will definitely cater to her demands for now to help her gain some weight. What are your thoughts on supplementing with nutrical to up the calories?
  18. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    UPDATE: Back to the vet today for a check-up, and she is very confident (not in an arrogant way) about the surgery being successful. She said she's taken legs, tails, eyes, etc off of these little guys before and the risk would be the same now as it would be a few weeks from now. She also said...
  19. kendalcm

    5 Week Old Kitten Eye Infection

    She's still hanging around 1 lb 6 oz so we must be doing something wrong. I've been trying to give her more opportunity to munch on wet food before I have to supplement with the bottle but she takes a few bites and then wants to go play. I've tried royal canin babycat, wellness, blue buffalo...