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  1. vthegreat

    8 Week Kitten Meeting Adult Cat (9months)

    Thank you. I will check out the article. Every time he bites her playfully she screams like she is dying but then seconds later goes back for more. haha I've never had such a playful kitten before. She is like energizer bunny and my cat Maseek is just thinking she is a little mouse running...
  2. vthegreat

    8 Week Kitten Meeting Adult Cat (9months)

    Thank you guys for advice. Fist night was rough. I had to separate them. My adult cat was just too rough with her. She licked hersand cuddled but at the same time would bite her hard. I was afraid he would hurt her, so i separated then for the night. Today they were doing much better. He is more...
  3. vthegreat

    8 Week Kitten Meeting Adult Cat (9months)

    I have a doll face persian boy named Maseek. He is 9 months, and he is neutered.Next week we are planning to get him a sibling kitten (around 9 weeks) from the same mother. Probably a girl, but maybe a boy depending on their temperament as we meet the litter. I am worried about their...