Search Results

  1. Teri122

    Liver Inflammation - Milk Thistle, How Much??

    I know there have been some people on here whose cats have had liver disorders, I am specifically treating cholangiohepatitis, pancreatitis. Tabitha was diagnosed a month ago, but her liver enzymes were elevated the month before that when my vet pretty much was resigned to diagnosing her with a...
  2. Teri122

    Biggest Challenge With Bringing In My Feral, And Gabapentin.

    Hi all. I started reading this site, and have posted a few times, when I captured my feral cat last Feb. I have know her since 2007, and knew it was time she come in and join the boys who had lived outside with her in the past. They became touchable, then huggable when outside, but Tabitha...
  3. Teri122

    Looking For Suggestions, Help With My Inside Feral.

    My cat is Tabitha. She is small, mahogany, no tail :-) I first saw her in 2007. It began with feeding her at the end of my driveway . I could only watch her from inside the house, could get nowhere near her .There was a young tiger stripe who showed up for a while, and they seemed to be...