Search Results

  1. modelbroad1996

    9 Week Old Kitten Is Attacking Me. Help Please!

    My 9 week old kitten willow is happy, energetic and excited. This is good and bad. She has millions of toys, scratch posts and an obstacle course. I play with her 2 times a day but through of all of that she still has energy to swat at my hands while Im typing on my laptop or pounce at my ankles...
  2. modelbroad1996

    7 Week Kitten Hates Litter And Litter Box. Help Please!!

    Hey guys, So i recently got a new kitten off craiglist she is 7 weeks old. Its my first cat so I am fairly new to raising cats however, all my friends who do have cats claimed that using the liter came very easy. My kitten on the other hand hates the liter. She wont explore it, wont jump into...