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  1. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    Maybe a tiny bit.....
  2. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    I am sure she has a clogged duct, any input on treatment?
  3. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    I agree. I let them nurse last night and this morning. Figured overnight was fine. Are you sure all the Time wont cause brain damage?
  4. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    She is so engorged :(
  5. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    It didn't work, and I'm broke, and she still has terrible diahrrea. This is Bull! They said to put her on metronideazol, and separate the kittens. So I did. Now the kittens are upset, and one of them has diarrhea. How bad is it really to just let them nurse while mama is on metronideazol?
  6. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    So I called the vet and got two more weeks of panacur and probiotics. Praying this helps!
  7. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    It's not safe for nursing mothers, it can have very serious side affects on the babies
  8. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    Yes but it's super dangerous for kittens... I have some but it can cause serious side affects, especially since she's nursing.
  9. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

  10. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    They are gaining weight but the powdered meds they gave her that are safe for nursing isn't working :(
  11. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    Yes one fecal sample have a diagnosis. The meds they have her havnt helped at all. Good news is the kittens eye infection is healing, and they are gaining weight. I'm just so tired of this! She's sick and tired of being in my room and the kittens are almost walking. I wanted it to be better...
  12. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    Please help me end this. Queen is on meds, so are kittens. Will I get it? They're quarantined in my room. Should I sleep elsewhere? Sanitation control? Any advice will help.
  13. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    I'm so exhausted from sanitizing. I'm sick myself with auto immune diseases. This is the worst thing that could have happened.
  14. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    The kittens have a cold, and eye infections so I have antibiotics for that. They put the nursing mother on a safer medication for giardia because it can be fatal for kittens. I'm so I worried that I will get giardia from her. She lives in our room :(
  15. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    I wish :(, turns out she has giardia!!!!! I prayed this wouldn't haplen! She's on meds now but guess what I'm paying $84.00 today for the whole litter to be seen since the kittens eye infection is spreading :((((. I just want everyone to be okay!!
  16. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    I just sent in a stool sample... another 47 dollars out the window :o so hopefully I will get more of a direct answer.
  17. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    you know when i really think about it, she was dewormed in the first place because I saw white worms in her stool, moving. She was dewormed and went back to normal but the diarrhea came like right before she went into labor. she had it when she was giving birth. like it would come out with...
  18. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    thank you so much for all of your help. We have homes for all but one of the kittens already, I haveeee to keep one <3 i'm just so worried about mom... its to the point my man doesn't even want to take her in anymore. We are going to get the male fixed first before we get the female spayed. They...
  19. Mamalolo93

    New Queen Care Help

    Sorry for the typos.