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  1. zo111

    Help! Kitten Pooping Outside The Litter Box..

    Yes, he is urinating normally in the box. And I'm not sure if he has constipation. I did hear him meowing loudly while pooping. Maybe this is a sign of constipation?
  2. zo111

    Help! Kitten Pooping Outside The Litter Box..

    I tried cleaning with the enzyme cleaner. And he did stop for a few days. But started again yesterday morning. This time, at 3 different spots not far from the litter box. I'm worried he will develop this habit of pooping everywhere on the floor. Is there any other thing I can try out?
  3. zo111

    Help! Kitten Pooping Outside The Litter Box..

    My kitten is 7 month old and he was neutered around 3 weeks ago. He has been acting really weird ever since he had the surgery. He would come upstairs and meow at my door at 3am to wake me up. He never did this before the surgery: he always waited until 7 or 8 when he could hear our footsteps...