Search Results

  1. Chibisaurus

    Cat Tree Advice And Litter Box Location

    Chewy Normally has great quality items, for a decent price. This one (Below) is only $40
  2. Chibisaurus

    Neutered Male Cat, Humping And Erection...?

    Neutering doesn't really kill the drive for sex. It just stops the ability to reproduce. (And tones aggression down!) Normally, When a Male cat mounts another male cats its to show dominance. Now, since this is something you haven't really seen, It could be going on during hours that you...
  3. Chibisaurus

    Aunty Let My Cat Out On Purpose

    I'm so sorry to hear that. Have you tried posting a lost cat ad on places like Facebook (For your local area), Craigslist, ect. Have you talked with your aunt about this?
  4. Chibisaurus

    Introducing A Kitten To An Adult Cat

    Own space is always a good thing! My only issue with the kitten is him getting into things. He has to be watched, so I have him with me. I just dont want sassy to feel left out.
  5. Chibisaurus

    3 Litter Boxe's And No One Is Peeing In Them!

    It might just really be the size of the area they have.
  6. Chibisaurus

    3 Litter Boxe's And No One Is Peeing In Them!

    There can be several reasons the cats are no longer using the litter box. First off, Don't yell at them for not using the litter box, they will become scared of even using it. Have you recently changed brand of litter? Have you taken them to the vet? No longer using the litter box can be a...
  7. Chibisaurus

    The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

    Sadly living in las vegas, We don't see much snow. And when we do, it doesnt stick long enough for playtime :( I miss the snow! On a positive note, Don't have to shovel the sidewalk though!
  8. Chibisaurus

    Cat Getting Herself Dirty On Walks By Rolling On The Ground

    It wont stop her from dust bathing! (Nothing will honestly, Cats love it!) But the brushing is a good way to remove most of the dirt, that way you arent washing her daily. You can try making her an organic dust bathing area! That way she does it there instead of on her walks!
  9. Chibisaurus

    Introducing A Kitten To An Adult Cat

    Thank you! I have sassy in the living room / rest of the house area and the kitten is in our room (so we can keep an eye on him when he is out and about) I will start with the sock this morning!
  10. Chibisaurus

    Iron Frittatina: New In Town

    OMGOODNESS he is adorable! (And welcome!)
  11. Chibisaurus

    Introducing A Kitten To An Adult Cat

    Thanks! We keep them apart when we arent home (Ryuk stays in our room and Sassy gets her living room lol) Sassy seems to be okay being in his presence, its just when he gets close she does a low growl (Im guessing telling him to go away) and sometimes he will each closer, and she will get a...
  12. Chibisaurus

    Help Me! I Don’t Know What Breed My Cat Is!

    I was also thinking tabby! She is a beauty!
  13. Chibisaurus

    Cat Getting Herself Dirty On Walks By Rolling On The Ground

    She could also be "Dust bathing" Many animals (including cats) use dust and sand to clean the fur! It's actually quite normal. A good daily brushing with a good brush can also help! Medium Soft Slicker • Comb out loose or dead hair • Remove dander and debris GripSoft Cat Slicker • Comb out...
  14. Chibisaurus

    Pregnant Cat Fighting Fleas!!

    I think your best bet is to bring her in for a vet visit they can can give you the best options for her (and to make sure she is okay, Flees+ pregnancy is a mixture for trouble, including infections!) Talk to your vet and see what you can/cannot use. Try also flea combing her in the meantime...
  15. Chibisaurus

    Help Me! I Don’t Know What Breed My Cat Is!

    She looks to be a Calico mix :) Not sure with what else though.
  16. Chibisaurus

    Introducing A Kitten To An Adult Cat

    Thank you for all the information! I have been looking over some of the articles and have learned a few new things! Sadly I didnt know it was best to keep them apart the first few days (So we have kinda skipped that step! ) I've been explaining to my other half, no yelling at Sassy when she...
  17. Chibisaurus

    Going On Vacation

    I would try seeing if a friend/family member could stay at your place while your gone! I normally would pay the neighbor's teenager to stay in my apartment while I was out for trips! I stock my freezer with meals for him, and give him like $50! Just a thought. If that is not something you...
  18. Chibisaurus

    Fostering What I Should Know Before

    I have fostered Many Dogs and Cats since I have become an adult. I love animals, and I hate to see them hurting! Sadly, I would always end up very attached, and wanting to keep them all! So, Now I no longer foster (at this time) because I do have a dog, and adult cat and now a kitten, living...
  19. Chibisaurus

    Introducing A Kitten To An Adult Cat

    Before I get into my question, I want to give you a little bit of information about our Adult Cat. Her name is Sassy..... So, About a year ago, We adopted Sassy, Her owner had passed away, and she needed a new furever home. She had a basic name given by the Foundation, Like "jane" So we...