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  1. C

    What To Do With Aggressive Fiv+ Stray

    I’m doing okay. Just have a huge swollen black and blue eye. And Louie the abuser is cuddling with me right now. This is so hard!
  2. C

    What To Do With Aggressive Fiv+ Stray

    Well he’s definitely not mean by nature. He’s so sweet and would never hurt me on purpose. He just has the fight or flight response when he sees or hears other cats or gets spooked by something and he just attacks whoever isn’t nearby. He’s lived outside on the streets his whole life so he’s...
  3. C

    What To Do With Aggressive Fiv+ Stray

    Thank you. I think that's sound advice and I'm going to try every FIV sanctuary I can find before I have him put down. Wish us luck and thanks so much everyone for your comments, I really appreciate it!!!
  4. C

    What To Do With Aggressive Fiv+ Stray

    I just don't think I can risk any more injury at this point just to get his behavior modified. I take an immunosuppressant medication and the doctors are very worried about infection which is so common with cat scratches. It could be potentially fatal for me :( If someone would be willing to...
  5. C

    What To Do With Aggressive Fiv+ Stray

    Yes, every time I think they’ve made progress, there’s an outburst. I was feeding them on either side of a slightly open door for a while but they never got calm around each other. I binge watched “my cat from hell” and did everything the humane society suggested and nothing worked. but now...
  6. C

    What To Do With Aggressive Fiv+ Stray

    Yes, he attacks my legs and feet daily just when I walk by. The face attacks are clearly transference of aggression when other cats are around. Sometimes it’s my other cat, sometimes cats outside. With the legs and feet I think he just gets stimulated by the motion. I can deal with that but I...
  7. C

    What To Do With Aggressive Fiv+ Stray

    It’s the FIV positive cat that attacks. In fact I’m in the hospital now because my eye swelled up huge. They are both male.
  8. C

    What To Do With Aggressive Fiv+ Stray

    Hi Everyone, I'm hoping to get advice from fellow rescuers/cat lovers. I rescued 2 stray cats from a very bad situation even though I have a cat who HATES HATES HATES other cats. The female was healthy and got adopted to a great home right away. The male turned out to be FIV positive and has...