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  1. CatMama91

    Cat Nail Pain

    I have a 3 year old male cat who has one nail that he seems to be in pain. I don't know what it is or what to do. I will have photos attached below.
  2. CatMama91

    Cat Disagreements

    I have been reassuring her multiple times a day. It has been kind of an adjustment because she used to hate it and now she might even like it. It makes me feel sad for her to feel this vunerable. I will definitely be taking this advice. Thank you so much for everything!
  3. CatMama91

    Cat Disagreements

    Okay, I can make that happen. Should I put the table in the living room then? Or does it matter? Also, does it need to be a certain height, like taller than than the couch, but obviously short enough for her to get to?
  4. CatMama91

    Cat Disagreements

    I agree, however she can't jump very high. She has to like do little jumps before even jumping on the bed and sometimes the couch. Is there another way to give her a good vantage point?
  5. CatMama91

    Cat Disagreements

    Thank you so much for the advice! You are so right with Patches, I call her a diva (because she is, haha) Should I just let them work it out or get between them?
  6. CatMama91

    Cat Disagreements

    I have a 9 year old female cat, Patches. My sister moved in about 6 months ago with two cats, Indy (3 years, male) & Jasmine (1.5 years, female). For the life of me, I cannot help them become civil. Indy and Jasmine are best friends, but they have much more energy than Patches and play. Patches...