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  1. J

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    Ugh Fedupmummy, ringworm is the worst. I would suggest just vacuuming like crazy if you can't get a shampooer. Hopefully that would help! My understanding is you want to get the spore count down as much as possible, and repeated mechanical cleaning won't hurt. It's so so stressful though and I...
  2. J

    Ringworm Help/aftermath

    Thanks mrsgreenjeens. We're both hoping his spot is NOT ringworm, but it's hard to tell. It's red, and doesn't look like the three lesions he had. He's treating it and keeping an eye on things. But this does underlie my concern -- if he has it might he give it back to our cats? It on his abdomen...
  3. J

    Ringworm Help/aftermath

    Hello! I am hoping to get some experienced insight on ringworm. I don't want to jinx things, but I think we may be at the end of the tunnel. We adopted a new cat in early September, and poor kitten was an asymptomatic ringworm carrier (dust mop). By the end of the month my husband and I noticed...