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  1. M

    Temptations Treats May Have Caused Arf: Shameless $ Plea

    This is another warning about these treats (posted on another forum) as well as my gofundme link, in case anyone felt so inclined to share around in their cat loving circles. I am determined to get to the bottom of this for as long as our budget and his comfort...
  2. M

    Do not buy Temptations Cat Treats, They are slowly killing your cats & Whiskas is not doing anything

    Thats the thing...perhaps a bad batch of these treats? I don't know...but these things were sort of haunting me and I come online and find this...Def not antifreeze, per the vet. They ultrasounded the kidneys yesterday, as well as aspiration. Looks like lymohoma they say, but I read the...
  3. M

    Do not buy Temptations Cat Treats, They are slowly killing your cats & Whiskas is not doing anything

    Thanks, and yes, there are too many decent options to risk it. He is home now after 3 days on fluids, seeing an oncologist tomorrow as i would like to know...the situation presents like lymphoma but is ONLY affecting the kidneys, and if a toxicity is absolutely not something typical like...
  4. M

    Do not buy Temptations Cat Treats, They are slowly killing your cats & Whiskas is not doing anything

    Agreed, these are crap, regardless of whether they are causing these severe problems or not. They did a promotion and a small bag just kind of "showed up." Could not believe how much he liked them.
  5. M

    Do not buy Temptations Cat Treats, They are slowly killing your cats & Whiskas is not doing anything

    Just signed up so I could log in and add to the data pool that is the internet. I have a 4 year old cat with acute renal failure, presenting like lymphoma but not confirmed after testing. No other organs affected, either. Came on suddenly, out of nowhere, he is on supportive IV fluids and not...