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  1. Roshana

    Help! Cat Ran Out While Covered In Dish Soap

    Yep, definitely closing my door next time. And yeah the fleas are gone, the one or two still stuck in fur are dead. So dish soap works!
  2. Roshana

    Help! Cat Ran Out While Covered In Dish Soap

    Yes... He was fine and still loves me after all that
  3. Roshana

    Help! Cat Ran Out While Covered In Dish Soap

    He's back. Got him dried off and fed. Uhhhh i feel so bad
  4. Roshana

    Help! Cat Ran Out While Covered In Dish Soap

    I adopted a feral cat, he eats and sleeps in the house but occasionally goes out to poop and gaze. I noticed he had fleas, so I washed him with warm water + dish soap (said to kill cat fleas). He was okay at first but when I started rinsing he ran out, slipped out of my hands and is hiding...