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  1. caydeandlunaowner

    Lumpy Flank Spay Incision?

    Just to say, spoke to my vet and he assured me it’s normal and that lumps often appear around 5-7 days after the procedure, and that it’ll go away by itself. Thanks for replying!
  2. caydeandlunaowner

    Newly Spayed Kitten Not Using Litter Box

    I am 99% sure that’s why. It’s extremely extremely common for cats to be nervous using their litter tray in a new place, and that combined with her having been recently spayed would definitely be a reason. My friend rescued a kitten and she had the same thing, she pooped outside the box and...
  3. caydeandlunaowner

    Newly Spayed Kitten Not Using Litter Box

    Ah, I was thinking along the lines of if you’d changed it post surgery that may be why she’s not using it but if you’ve not changed it at all then that wouldn’t be why. My baby got spayed on Tuesday and she seemed reluctant to use her tray until around Thursday afternoon, she also meowed a...
  4. caydeandlunaowner

    Lumpy Flank Spay Incision?

    Good idea, I didn’t think of doing that! I shall email it across now.
  5. caydeandlunaowner

    Newly Spayed Kitten Not Using Litter Box

    Did you change her litter at all?
  6. caydeandlunaowner

    Lumpy Flank Spay Incision?

    Hi, so Luna got spayed 5 days ago and just now I noticed from the angle she’s lying at that there’s a lump. We saw the vet Friday and she said it was looking great but this lump wasn’t quite as big as it is now, or if it was I certainly didn’t notice it. Has anyone else had their cat’s...
  7. caydeandlunaowner

    Do I Need To Clean Luna’s Spay Incision?

    Hello, so my Luna got spayed yesterday and her brother got neutered. They are 4 months and seemed to bounce back really fast. They’re both recovering well. Luna has a cone because she kept licking, and I’m having to put her in a big dog cage at night because her brother also tries to lick her...
  8. caydeandlunaowner

    My 13 Week Kitten Is Sick

    I mentioned the sneezing and the eye gunk and she checked them both over and said there were no signs of it. I told her I cleaned Luna’s eyes with weak saline solution and she said that may have cleared up whatever issue was there as her eyes seemed totally clear and fine today and she said as...
  9. caydeandlunaowner

    My 13 Week Kitten Is Sick

    Update on the little guy- The vet took his temperature and he had a slight fever, she checked him over and said it doesn’t seem like he’s too unwell so most probably a virus or he ate too much yesterday or ate some human food when I wasn’t looking. She gave me some binding paste to give him...
  10. caydeandlunaowner

    My 13 Week Kitten Is Sick

    hi, I woke up this morning and saw what looked like undigested food in Cayde’s litter box, as well as a small pool of mucus coloured vomit (I assume it was vomit) next to the box. He had diarrhea a couple of times yesterday and again this morning, he’s also making a weird clicking noise with his...
  11. caydeandlunaowner

    Does Anyone Know What This Bug Is?!

    Thanks for the help, everyone. It turned out to just be a harmless bug as you all said, but the kittens did indeed have fleas! My vet gave me a spot on treatment for kittens over 8 weeks after he weighed them both and he also advised me to get some flea spray for the apartment to use after I...
  12. caydeandlunaowner

    Does Anyone Know What This Bug Is?!

    Thanks so much! I’ve done some googling and you’re right! Phew. I am going to treat them for the fleas tomorrow. Thanks so much, I have anxiety and tend to overreact with stuff concerning my babies!
  13. caydeandlunaowner

    Does Anyone Know What This Bug Is?!

    Here’s a better pic. I dont know how to edit the post, sorry. I’m really worried for my kittens.
  14. caydeandlunaowner

    Does Anyone Know What This Bug Is?!

    I found this bug in Cayde and Luna’s bedding. They are 10 weeks old. Cayde has been scratching and I found some black specks on the fur from the grooming brush. I think I also saw another of these dead bugs in their poop when I scooped it but not 100% sure. It’s too big to be a flea and I...