Search Results

  1. R

    11 month old retaliates with biting

    I'm at a bit of a crossroads with my little dude. I adopted him back in December (his birthday is in April) at the local shelter. Seemed like a friendly, playful kitten with typical kitten shenanigans. I couldn't figure out why he'd been abandoned at 6-7 months old. Turns out he bites and...
  2. R

    Good Cat Tree For Kitty With Allergies?

    I've been looking for a cat tree for Rose but I'm not sure what to get her. She really wants to be able to look out the window but she can't get into the windowsill like your typical cat. I could always just vaccuum your standard carpeted cat tree weekly of course, if I really had to, but I'd...
  3. R

    Devastated About Rose's Health---not Sure What To Do

    Hi folks, I'm wondering if someone could offer me some words of support and just some advice. I adopted Rose back in August and things just have not gotten better for her. I don't know what to do and am considering returning her to the rescue because I feel like she needs more than I can...
  4. R

    Supplements For Cat With Allergies?

    I was wondering what different supplement brands people added to their raw mixes, especially when I've got a cat with possible chicken/egg and fish allergies (and possibly more than that). Powdered plain taurine of course isn't difficult to find, but many of the recipes/supplements I'm finding...
  5. R

    Ideas/recommendations For Proteins For Cat With Unknown Allergies?

    So Rose saw the vet today about the scratching, itching and hair loss issues she's been having and while the good news is no ringworm etc the bad news is allergies. I have no idea what she's allergic to. Removing veggies and grains/legumes seems to have helped with the stinky/bad poop issues...
  6. R

    Assessing Body Condition In Long-haired Cats?

    Does anyone have any good resources for determining body condition in long-haired cats? While I am a new cat parent, I'm not entirely new to taking care of kitties---but all my previous experience is taking care of short-haired and clearly obese domestic shorthairs where the big struggle was...
  7. R

    From The Ashes...a Rose

    Hi all, Never pictured myself being a cat parent, but life can be a bit funny that way. Back in early August I lost my long-time companion, a rescued african grey parrot, to sudden-onset congestive heart failure (she came from a very neglectful home so had many health issues). She died three...