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  1. R

    11 month old retaliates with biting

    Yup we're a single-cat household (basically there's myself, him and the coastal carpet python he loves to watch). I thought about getting him a companion cat but it would unfortunately mean a downgrade in litter/food quality and pet insurance since I can't afford to double the amount I spend on...
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    11 month old retaliates with biting

    I aim for at least one play session a day with the wand toy and we go until he gets tired/is too tired to care about it anymore, but I can increase it. Right now he's only got one cat tree (it's a one bedroom apartment) but he does have perching options by each window so he can see out of any...
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    11 month old retaliates with biting

    I'm at a bit of a crossroads with my little dude. I adopted him back in December (his birthday is in April) at the local shelter. Seemed like a friendly, playful kitten with typical kitten shenanigans. I couldn't figure out why he'd been abandoned at 6-7 months old. Turns out he bites and...
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    Devastated About Rose's Health---not Sure What To Do

    Guess who's out of the cone!!!?? Yup, Rose. She's still licking and chewing some BUT hasn't reopened old wounds or created any new ones so she gets to be cone-free as long as it stays that way. Yours truly was allergy-tested today and I'm not (apparently) allergic to cats (anymore?) although...
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    Devastated About Rose's Health---not Sure What To Do

    I had asked them/told them last visit that it was okay to give her a bit of a sedative to calm her down so they could work with her and do the full exam...but for some reason they declined. I'll bring it up again. Makes more sense to knock her out a bit and keep things as calm as possible than...
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    Devastated About Rose's Health---not Sure What To Do

    Vet visit round two: OK so, vet didn't think ringworm was something to worry about, so that's out for now. Ditto with parasites/mites given the vet felt the three doses of Revolution were given in appropriate intervals. Her lesion/skin had really improved thankfully they didn't have to shave...
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    Neighbor Wants My Cats Dead Over Poop

    I don't think it's fair or right to say that you can only truly love an animal if you permit them to be a nuisance and badly-behaved. If anything it is only in that animal's benefit to be managed/taught in a way that they're not allowed to be a nuisance. Much like kids, honestly. I know and...
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    Devastated About Rose's Health---not Sure What To Do

    Huh... I wonder. I'll mention it to the vet. I'm assuming they'll have to send me to a veterinary dermatologist to look into it in-depth though. She's longhaired so obviously seeing any sort of condition on the skin is a bit tricky. But I know in people that allergies/asthma (she does cough...
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    Neighbor Wants My Cats Dead Over Poop

    To be honest where I live letting your cats roam and poop in other people's yards gets you a couple hundred dollars in fines and/or confiscated cats. We do have ferals here and we're working on TNR the local colonies, but outdoor unsupervised cats are a nuisance and as much as I love cats I can...
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    Devastated About Rose's Health---not Sure What To Do

    Hi all, So today has been interesting. I *thought* the steroids weren't working, but in the last 24 hours it's like someone turned the itch-machine back on---not as severe as she was prior, but it's starting to ramp up again, hopefully it won't get too bad before Friday and her appointment...
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    Devastated About Rose's Health---not Sure What To Do

    Well...having english as my mother tongue helps haha. You should see the amount of confusion I last name is french so all the french-speaking Quebecers start speaking to me in french only to be extremely confused that, while bilingual, I'm not francophone. Meanwhile english-speaking...
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    Devastated About Rose's Health---not Sure What To Do

    Thank you!! I'll look into that asap :) EDIT: Oh darn, it looks like it's Ontario-specific (I'm in Quebec).
  13. R

    Devastated About Rose's Health---not Sure What To Do

    Yup I can trim fur a little and it helps, but her vulva and bum region literally sits on the litter sometimes, fur trimmed or not and I'm not...I'm not nearly confident enough to essentially end up keeping that area shaved completely.
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    Devastated About Rose's Health---not Sure What To Do

    @arouetta Yup, tried that---it helped with the litter stuck to her bum/fur but (granted, could've been the brand) still found it pretty dusty.
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    Devastated About Rose's Health---not Sure What To Do

    Thank you :) I'm hoping it will go well! Rose actually has about 4 inches in her litterbox but she tends to shake/wobble/bob up and down when she tries to squat so (especially since she's longhaired) her bum always ends up with litter on it. Especially if she's peeing. Sometimes she starts to...
  16. R

    Devastated About Rose's Health---not Sure What To Do

    @arouetta yeah that's kind of my feeling too. I mean, I'd much rather it be neuro than autoimmune if I had the choice. Rose's appetite is back and she's perked up finally. She was pretty out of it since her vet visit. I feel bad that she's going to be back at the vet's on Friday, but hopefully...
  17. R

    Good Cat Tree For Kitty With Allergies?

    I don't know if those would work for her since she can't really hoist herself up (she uses stairs and ramps a lot) but I'll keep looking.
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    Good Cat Tree For Kitty With Allergies?

    I've been looking for a cat tree for Rose but I'm not sure what to get her. She really wants to be able to look out the window but she can't get into the windowsill like your typical cat. I could always just vaccuum your standard carpeted cat tree weekly of course, if I really had to, but I'd...
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    Devastated About Rose's Health---not Sure What To Do

    I'm looking, but unfortunately trying to move to somewhere I can afford/is accessible within the city is always a gamble of mold/bedbugs/roaches roulette. Then there's the issue of being pet friendly (most places in Montreal are not---and if they are, it's because they're not exactly in the best...
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    Devastated About Rose's Health---not Sure What To Do

    Rose hasn't had either bloodwork or skin allergy testing yet, no. The clinics can't seem to come to a consensus about if they're valid or not/don't even know about blood tests and the last quote I had for skin testing was $1000 (and that doesn't include the shots after). It is absolutely on...