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  1. DaddysKitty

    Cat sides caved in - any help??

    Have your vet do a blood test for an over active thyroid.
  2. DaddysKitty

    Kitty Hisses At My Brother

    No. Actually he has tried being nice to her and would like nothing better than for her to like him. Something has changed. Before he moved in with us he was able to approach Missy and she would actually let him scratch her chin. But now she hisses at him on sight unless I'm there too. She's...
  3. DaddysKitty

    Kitty Hisses At My Brother

    I feed her in the morning before my brother gets up. I suppose I could not do that and let him feed her instead. Though that would upset a very long standing schedule we've had and that might stress her out. There is one treat that she likes, I could get brother to give her that instead of me...
  4. DaddysKitty

    Kitty Hisses At My Brother

    My Missy kitty is 15, and has lived alone with me all her life. She's Daddy's girl, and hides from company when anyone visits. My brother moved in with us back in November and she wants no part of him. She'll tolerate him when I'm around but when she sees him alone she hisses and sometimes...
  5. DaddysKitty

    Shaving Matted Fur

    I have a comb with blades too, and it just gets snagged and pulls her fur (and I get a bite for that). She loves to be groomed, and I have a multitude of brushes but over the winter her fur grows thick and the knots just happen. I'm gonna have her shaved down soon and I guess I'll ask what...
  6. DaddysKitty

    Shaving Matted Fur

    My Missy is a long hair and gets terrible knots in her fur. I get her a shave down every summer, but I'd like to do maintenance on her myself and clip knots as they happen rather than waiting for the yearly shave. I bought an Andis clipper and a #10 blade, but for the life of me I can't get it...
  7. DaddysKitty

    Dealing With Matted Fur

    That's a pretty kitty, Merlin.
  8. DaddysKitty

    Why Do They Do That?

    Good point about taking it somewhere secure - like a leopard taking a kill into a tree. But there's no threat to her so I dunno why she needs to do that. And yeah it makes a mess that sometimes gets stepped on by me. Yuck.
  9. DaddysKitty

    Why Do They Do That?

    Whenever I feed my Missy something she really likes she takes it from the food bowl in the kitchen and brings it to "her" rug in the hall way. Most times she leaves bits of food, sometimes more than just bits, on the rug. Dunno what's up with that.
  10. DaddysKitty

    How Can I Get My Home To No Longer Smell Like Feces?

    A home made raw/cooked chicken diet changed my kitty's poop dramatically. Her litter box is in my kitchen / dining room and poop stench would be unacceptable.
  11. DaddysKitty

    Using A Kitty Bag

    So I bought one of these off Amazon, with the idea of holding Missy still while I trim her nails... It came with zero instructions, and I have no idea how to get her into it and have her front paws accessible. Anybody have some tips on this? Thanks edit: The Amazon link isn't showing up -...
  12. DaddysKitty

    Litter On The Floor

    I never knew there were litter mats - I've always used a small rug. But the litter gets embedded in the carpet fibers and if kitty misses the litter box the carpet soaks up pee and will eventually start to stink. I'm thinking of a rubber mat that'd be much easier to keep clean. Right now the...
  13. DaddysKitty

    Shaving Matted Fur

    I'm aware of the risks of scissors, and only use them to snip a clump that's nowhere close to her skin. I also figured out how to successfully use the electric trimmers - by attacking the mat from underneath until it's reduced to the point where I can get close to her skin and finally get it...
  14. DaddysKitty

    Shaving Matted Fur

    My Missy kitty is a long hair and this time of year she gets awful knots in her fur. I have brought her to my vet for grooming in the past and she gets the "lioness cut", but it's too late in the year for that now (getting cold here at night). So, I have a fairly high end clipper by andis with...
  15. DaddysKitty

    Litter Box Placement

    Yup, mine too. Dunno why they do that.