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  1. christywing

    Just Lost Our Beautiful Storm

    I'm so sorry that you lost him at such a young age. He looks like he had a loving and happy life though. May he be playing with his fishy pole right now with Thor ❤️
  2. christywing

    Losing My Baby To Saddle Thrombus / Aortic Thromboembolism

    Beautiful Luna, may you play in a field of catnip with all our other lost but not forgotten furrbabies ❤️
  3. christywing

    Life Is Too Cruel

    ❤️ I am so sorry for your losses. I hope you find the other one and it's ok.
  4. christywing

    Cat In Her Last Stages

    Her name was Fetish. I made the decision and took her into the vet. She passed at 12:45 pm today. Thank you all so very much for your help, advice and caring. It helped me through the last days. Fetish March 1999 - August 2017 I'll see you again baby girl.
  5. christywing

    Cat In Her Last Stages

    I also wanted to thank everyone on here for the advice and well wishes. It is greatly appreciated ❤️
  6. christywing

    Cat In Her Last Stages

    It's now almost 4 am on Tuesday morning. Same condition. I think I should take her to the vet when they open. She's in no pain but her body is continuing to breathe. I'd keep her here until her heart and lungs shut down but I'm not wanting the process to linger for days. I thought she'd have...
  7. christywing

    Cat In Her Last Stages

    I think you are correct. It's now 1:40 pm. She is still breathing with a heartbeat which has slowed just a tiny bit. If she hasn't passed by tonight I will take her to the vet. She did soil herself as well but I was prepared for that.
  8. christywing

    Cat In Her Last Stages

    Thank you both for your responses. It's been about 4 hours since I posted the first message. She is still unable to move, eyes open and non-responsive but still breathing and strong heartbeat. I have her wrapped in a cozy blanket and she's been laying on my chest all night long as I've talked...
  9. christywing

    Sudden Hairball Vomiting

    I'd probably just speak with the vet and see what they have to say. There could be other issues. Maybe run a blood panel and go from there. Hope it's nothing serious and there's an easy solution. Please keep us updated!
  10. christywing

    Help With My Kitty

    Is he neutered?
  11. christywing

    Sudden Hairball Vomiting

    I would try brushing her every day to keep the shedding to a minimum and getting some anti-fur ball paste. You put it on their paws and they lick it off. It may just be as simple as that. *crosses fingers*. Do you notice if she overgrooms herself or is chewing at herself at all?
  12. christywing

    Cat In Her Last Stages

    Hi all, I have an 18 year old cat. In the past month or so she started to lose a little weight. I attributed this to her age as she was still eating, drinking, using the litter box etc. I woke up on Saturday and noticed she was having difficulty walking and seemed dehydrated. She wasn't very...