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  1. U

    There Might Be Something Wrong With My Kitten

    So we have a progress... Last night, just a few hours after I spoke again to my vet about deworming and again we agreed to wait a few more days, a HUGE pile of HUGE worms came out of the kitten. I mean really huge, the biggest one was over 3 cm long. I've seen roundworm and tapeworm before, it...
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    There Might Be Something Wrong With My Kitten

    @Sarthur2 Thanks, luckily we didn't have any blood or diarrhea. Stool is fine, normal-colored for a bottle baby (mustard yellow). It's coming out irregularly (it was one big poop a day before, now it's more like 2-3 tiny poops a day) because the feeding schedule is now off, but the amount of...
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    There Might Be Something Wrong With My Kitten

    I think she might be feeling a little better today. She's eating, not much and definitely not enough, but at least she's getting that 5 ml of food every 2 hours. Between IV drops, glucose, antispasmodic, electrolytes, prebiotics, heat pack on a belly, massages and everything else, I think it's...
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    There Might Be Something Wrong With My Kitten

    Deworming first thing tomorrow it is - thank you. She's pooping, but the poop has changed - smells bad, is a little more loose, coming out in very small portions. I wouldn't classify that as a diarrhea just yet, but it's not a pretty, clean, solid bottle-baby poop she used to make. I'm using...
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    There Might Be Something Wrong With My Kitten

    Thanks - I'm already adding pedialyte & prebiotic drops to the formula. I try to feed her every 1 hour (as I can only get really, really tiny amounts in her, around 1-2 ml at a time). She's getting subcutaneous fluids once a day to prevent dehydration. I'm constantly massaging her belly with...
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    There Might Be Something Wrong With My Kitten

    Hi folks, I'm fostering an orphaned newborn. She's probably around 16 days old now, has opened her eyes and began teething. She was found alone in the dumpster on day 3 and we got her around day 5. She was doing extraordinarily well, eating a lot, gaining weight steadily, showing a lot of...