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  1. C

    Is My Cat In Labor???

    The bubble was filled with red fluid and was kind of just stuck there. She bursted it and within the hour she had the first kitten. I got scared because when I looked it up it said that if she has that and no kittens within 10 minutes then to call the vet. BUT, my phone was stolen the other day...
  2. C

    Is My Cat In Labor???

    my girl just made giving birth look as easy as taking a drink! she cried out three times and gave birth one right after another! 2 babies so far! I was scared because she is tiny, but she proved me wrong! blew through it like it was nothing! Proud mommy and now grammy(: can't wait til my husband...
  3. C

    Is My Cat In Labor???

  4. C

    Is My Cat In Labor???

    nothing yet, shes had contractions since, and some spotting. Shes in her nesting box now.
  5. C

    Is My Cat In Labor???

    it just busted
  6. C

    Is My Cat In Labor???

    clear with red inside. no, its just like stuck
  7. C

    Is My Cat In Labor???

    So i prepared myself thoroughly for this, reading everything I can, but nothing is adding up with what i've read... she had some bloody discharge and a bubble coming out of her vagina a few minutes after. she doesnt want to be alone, is right beside me, and not crying out or anything. Is that...