Search Results

  1. DespicableCi

    Cat Won't Eat His Food - But Will Eat The Other Household Cats Food

    Hi everyone, So to give a (hopefully) quick run-down of events that have lead to this, my boy Pookie and I moved house in August into another home with an already established cat. Pookie has been raised his entire life with other cats, so this wasn't the issue. The other cat, however, is not so...
  2. DespicableCi

    Garlic Powder In Cat Supplement- Good Or Bad?

    Right, so definitely a no-no for him. Thanks so much everyone, I feel much more reassured now. With that being said, is there any diet and/or supplement people could recommend for him? With Pookie being an older rescue cat, he had a terrible start in life and subsequently has health issues as a...
  3. DespicableCi

    Love Bites?

    Hi everyone, Wow, sorry I haven't been on in a while to reply to everyone's questions! First all of, it is still happening on and off every few nights. Some nights I have been awake, and other nights I've been asleep. So a change of breathing could possibly be the answer? I do grind my teeth...
  4. DespicableCi

    Garlic Powder In Cat Supplement- Good Or Bad?

    Hi all, So recently I purchased a cat supplement powder for my boy Pookie. After some research, I discovered it contained garlic powder. Everywhere I have looked seems to boast mixed messages on whether or not garlic should be fed to cats. I went so far as to contact the company that makes this...
  5. DespicableCi

    Love Bites?

    Hi everyone, As of recently (the past month or so), my neutered, male cat named Pookie has taken to biting me at random during the night. These bites certainly aren't hard, they don't break the skin but there's enough bite pressure there to rouse me from sleep. Looking around online, I...
  6. DespicableCi

    Colloidal Silver

    Hi all, I've found what look to be ringworm spots on my cat Pookie. After doing some research I came across the recommendation by some members on this site to use Colloidal Silver to treat him with. Now, I have a few (okay, a lot) of questions I'm hoping some more experienced members may be...
  7. DespicableCi

    Possible Pregnant Cat?

    Is my partner's cat pregnant? He rescued her after she had given birth to one previous litter if that counts for anything in regards to her nipples size/shape/colour... etc etc. My partner and myself have never dealt with cat pregnancy before, so we are somewhat clueless as to whether not she is...