Search Results

  1. B

    7-8 month old male kitten "suckling"

    We rescued 3 cats (a mom and her 2 kittens). They nursed until about 8 weeks but the little boy still suckle and they are now 8 months. The vet said Shadow doesn't have milk anymore so it's just for comfort. They have always been with mom so it's not that they were taken away to early. I'm...
  2. B

    Cat loves to grab my hair and chew on it with purr

    This is a new problem with my cat Shadow. I adopted her and her 2 kittens 5 months ago. My husband leaves for work later than me around 7am. I return from work between 4:30 and 5:30pm. They get unlimited love and attention (they are my main focus while at home) until bedtime around