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  1. Beejackers73


    Did they mention the transdermal cream, it is just rubbed on the ear once or twice a day?
  2. Beejackers73


  3. Beejackers73

    Any Experience With Hyperthyroidism?

    hi been going through our kitties diagnose for over a year now. Would like to share somethings I learned on my own not from the vets. She was allergic to the liquid compound she got very sick so she's been on the ear gel for a year and I saw frequently she would have flare ups and I looked...
  4. Beejackers73

    Hyperthyroidism Kitty Pulling Fur Out

    I live in the country and we have microscopic mites that eat us all up, so I know I have never saw a flea but those mites are crazy sneaky and get on all my fur babies and ride in the house.
  5. Beejackers73

    Hyperthyroidism Kitty Pulling Fur Out

    Well it's allergy and bug season so I started by doing advantage multi she's also wearing a calming collar from sentry and her cat hair mowing has (knock on wood) went down to about once a day not all day. She likes the collar even purrs with it on and she's a handful most of the time, she even...
  6. Beejackers73

    Hyperthyroidism Kitty Pulling Fur Out

    Has anyone tried the pet well being gold for hyperthyroidism
  7. Beejackers73

    Hyperthyroidism Kitty Pulling Fur Out

    After 8 vet missing this hyperthyroidism I found one that ran the test and we got her on medication but she has started pulling her hair out, vet recommended prescription antidepressants and both had side effects that really bothered me and she wasn't eating as much. She is not over grooming she...