Search Results

  1. leapoffaith03

    Cat Vs. Dog Nutrition

    Hi, all, I'm a long time lurker of this forum and know you guys can help me out with this. My beloved Sam crossed over onto the Rainbow Bridge a couple weeks ago and my husband and I miss him terribly. :rbheart: His entire life he suffered from IBD and I had to watch his diet like a hawk. I...
  2. leapoffaith03

    Dealing with feelings of guilt and questioning my choice- please help :(

    Hi, everyone. I'm a lurker here for the most part but I really need someone to talk to. Wednesday night we had to put my best friend, my world, Sam down. It was a choice we made and I am in such unbearable pain from the loss and guilt. He was 13. Background: Sam had digestive issues from an...
  3. leapoffaith03

    Struggling with feelings of guilt- Please help :(

    Hi, everyone. I'm a lurker here for the most part but I really need someone to talk to. Wednesday night we had to put my best friend, my world, Sam down. It was a choice we made and I am in such unbearable pain from the loss and guilt. He was 13. Background: Sam had digestive issues from an...
  4. leapoffaith03

    Fancy Feast Appetizers-Fish concerns

    Sam is on a raw only diet (Rad Cat turkey) but has recently become bored with the same thing over and over. He LOVES FF Appetizers, and I've found if I mix a little of the appetizer into each portion of his Rad Cat he eats MUCH more and is much more interested (he's underweight so can't afford...
  5. leapoffaith03

    Raw food and diluted urine

    Hi all! My Sam just came back from his checkup with everything good... Doc said that his urine is a bit more diluted than she'd like to see, but it was just "noteworthy" and something they will watch for that may indicate future potential kidney issues. His bloodwork was all normal. Is this a...
  6. leapoffaith03

    Prozyme dosage question

    I just picked Sam up a bottle of Prozyme digestive enzyme powder to sprinkle on his food today. The bottle says 1/2 tsp per one cup of food..... He gets 2 oz raw food 4 times a day. Do I add 1/2 tsp to the 2 oz every time I feed him, or is that a literal per CUP? This shouldn't be this...
  7. leapoffaith03

    Successful transition to raw!! Couple ?'s re: commercial food

    So, Sam has successfully transitioned from all wet to raw in a few days!. Being a 12 yr old stubborn, picky boy I consider this quite the accomplishment. :nod: I have a couple questions re: commercial raw brands, which is what I've chosen to stick with as I don't trust myself (or honestly...
  8. leapoffaith03

    Question re: Natures Variety Commercial Raw food

    Hi, all! :wavey: I am looking at switching my Sam from an all wet food diet to all raw. He has IBD and is incredibly picky on top of that. He was eating NV Instinct rabbit and duck wet but has suddenly started turning up his nose and won't eat it (never thought I'd see the day, especially with...
  9. leapoffaith03

    Pork in canned food?

    I'm sure this has been discussed before, but why is it few canned few canned foods contain pork as the main meat ingredient? Sammy has been on Natures Variety Instinct for a month now and loves all the favors but he REALLY loves the pork. I've read a few threads on here regarding concerns about...
  10. leapoffaith03

    Tresaderm and hearing loss

    Sam was prescribed Tresaderm twice daily for two weeks due to a yeast infection both ears. They are drops. I'm reading on the Internet horror stories or people's pets losing their hearing permanently on this medication! Ack! Anyone have experience with it?
  11. leapoffaith03

    Advice on hungry cat feeding schedule

    Does anyone have advice on how to keep a constantly hungry cat from driving you crazy?! The past 3 weeks Sam has been switched from dry free fed and wet combo to all wet food. Much better for him And his IBD. He loves wet food so that isn't an issue but since the switch he is CONSTANTLY hungry...
  12. leapoffaith03

    Can cats get sore muscles?

    I'm assuming since they have muscles, they can. Sam has taken to a new sleeping spot that is higher than anywhere he has slept before. Not overly, but he has to jump onto the couch and then onto a ledge to get up there. He's been doing that about a week now. I noticed today he slept a LOT of a...
  13. leapoffaith03

    Does your cat ever sit crooked?

    Sometimes I feel like Sam doesn't sit evenly on both of his back legs. I will look at him sitting from behind and although its far from a dramatic difference, sometimes his hips look uneven. Is this just normal kind of the way us humans don't sit straight all of the time either, like we will...
  14. leapoffaith03

    Lesser of all the evils....

    I am having an awful time with switching my IBD kitty to all wet food. I want something grain free for sure, and am hesitant about too many fruits and veggies. The one thing keeping me from trying so many different ones is the carageenan. Honestly, is this something I need to really focus on and...
  15. leapoffaith03

    Natures Variety-IBD

    Would this be an ok food for a kitty with a sensitive tummy? Sam fully recovered from a bout of pancreatitis about 3 weeks ago and I have since switched him to an all wet grain free diet. I was a little paranoid about the fruits and veggies in the Instinct (although I was able to pick out the...
  16. leapoffaith03

    Metronidazole dosing

    Sam was prescribed liquid Metronidazole for his pancreatitis 0.5 cc's twice a day "until gone" according to the prescription label. It says under "quantity" 5. Does this mean I will be giving him 10 separate doses? I ask because if that were the case, tonight would have been the last dose, but...
  17. leapoffaith03

    Kitty recovering from pancreatitis/ possible mild IBD and food allergies- food recommendations?

    I'm new here but have been lurking for awhile. I need some advice from people who have experience with my kitty Sam's issues. Background: Sam is 11 and just now almost fully recovered from pancreatitis caused by getting into some dry food samples given to us at a pet store. He ate almost the...
  18. leapoffaith03

    Kitty recovering from pancreatitis/possible IBD and food allergies.... Food recommendations?

    I'm new here but have been lurking for awhile. :) I need some advice from people who have experience with my kitty Sam's issues. Background: Sam is 11 and just now almost fully recovered from pancreatitis caused by getting into some dry food samples given to us at a pet store. He ate almost the...