Search Results

  1. mzsmithzzz

    Last Ditch Effort to save Shadow

    Ill try to make this brief... 9 years ago my wife and I adopted a large black cat from the humane society - he was at least 2-3 years old and has become a huge part of our lives, this is not your usual cat, he grew to 22 lbs, LOVED to eat, and was not really overweight at this size. 2 months...
  2. mzsmithzzz

    Sick cat... need advice

    my 13 yo male cat is sick and i am so upset :( I hope this forum will provide me some other questions to ask vet and perhaps other options I can try at home. I am exhausted taking care of two little kids and running around trying to feed Shadow.... It seemed to start about 3 months ago when he...