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  1. F

    Cat Coping with Summer Temperatures

    Hi everyone!. It's high summer where we live, daily temperatures are over 30 degrees, and I am not sure how to cool my 14-months old Fingal. We live on the top floor and we do not have air-conditioning, but I try to keep the apartment as cool as it is possible, which is not much, I have to...
  2. F

    Please advise

    Fingal, who was one year old on 7 May, fell off the window from a 6th floor, a week ago. Thank God, he did not break or sprain anything, just got few bruises and cut palate. This is all taken care of and he is fine - physical wise. But, I am worried about his mental state. Since then, he keeps...
  3. F

    My Hairballs

    Hi everyone, I would appreciate your help in this matter. I have 11-months old ginger cat, Fingal. He's a domestic shorthaired I love him to pieces, but I have to say I'm surpriced with the amount of hair he sheds. And not only in the autumn or now, during the spring, but throughout the winter...
  4. F

    Is Fingal depressed?.

    I got the most wonderful kitten three weeks ago, and I think he's depressed. He turned three months on 7 August, but he has days - like yesterday - when he is somewhat active in the morning, but then he just sleeps throughout the day. And - during the night, as well. He just climbs up in bed...