Search Results

  1. M

    Panting Problem

    Hi everyone--I've been out of the loop for quite a while (busy with my expanded household, due to the June flood), but have a concern about my son's year-old male cat, Blackie, whom he adopted some months ago: this kitty has a tendency to start panting heavily when he's played too hard or gets...
  2. M

    Are Your Leo Cats Like Ours?

    Our Blackie is only a year old, but seems to think he rules the roost, even though he's only been with us a short time, and sometimes chases the younger of my two cats, knowing he's got him intimidated. He's also a biter--when he wants to be put down, he gives you a nip (light or hard, it...
  3. M

    Recliner Danger

    We had a very traumatic experience this past weekend, with my son's cat, Blackie, a year old male who has been with us for the past 2 months: unbeknownst to us, he crawled beneath the recliner while my husband was sitting in it, and as he went to unrecline, realized that something was going on...
  4. M

    Feline Population Explosion In Our Home

    Hi--I haven't been around for quite some time, mostly due to the flooding of Cedar Rapids, where my daughter & son-in-law were living--we have been so busy removing damaged household items and cleaning and tearing out walls to prevent mold from spreading, we've had time for little else. (My...
  5. M


    Does anyone else have a kitty who likes to suckle on your earlobes? My Quincy has done this since he was a little kitten, and purrs loudly and kneads my neck with his paws, in the process. It's a daily event, and I don't think he's ever going to outgrow it, being he's now 10 years old. Is...
  6. M

    Indoor Kitties are Safer

    I just had an experience a few days ago, that makes me glad I keep my 2 babies, Quincy & Quasar, inside the house at all times. I was driving home from work one afternoon, and saw a cat lying in the middle of this busy road, which had obviously just been hit by a car. The person who hit it...
  7. M

    Keeping the Litter In the Box

    I'm sure this is one problem everyone who owns a cat has encountered, but I'd just like to hear other's advice on the subject--how have you remedied/prevented the situation of litter scattered all over the floor? I'd appreciate hearing any ideas!
  8. M

    Quincy & Quasar

    Hi--here I am again, still trying to display a photo of my kitties to my posting. Hopefully, I'll be successful this time! This is a picture I took of my babies, Quincy and Quasar (they will be 10 and 6 years old respectively in a week). This was taken a couple years ago, but they still...
  9. M

    New Kitties on the Block

    Hi--I just recently joined and have finally gotten the courage to try my attempt at posting! I live out in the country in a home we built 2 years ago, with my husband and 25-year-old son, and my 2 babies--Quincy, age 10, and his little "brother" Quasar, age 6, both are neutered male Sealpoint...