Search Results

  1. bonnie1smom

    Any Ideas On What Could Be Wrong With Kitten?

    Hi Cat Friends, Earl is 13 weeks old, and I've had him for 3 weeks and his appearance seems to be deteriorating. His right ear is losing hair, is red and warm to the touch, and has scabs. He now has a small bump, or lesion, above his lip on the right side. His eyes have watered from day one...
  2. bonnie1smom

    Am I over supplementing my kitten?

    Hello Cat Friends, I’ve been a cat owner for 3 months and Bonnie, my 6-month-old kitten, is my world, but I’m worried that I might be overdoing it in an effort to do best by her.   I’m feeding her a commercial raw diet from the folks at Bold Raw, a small Canadian outfit...
  3. bonnie1smom

    Can cannot meow post spay

    Hello Cat Friends,  Bonnie went in for a spay yesterday. When she came home she was coughing and dry heaving and there was a gurgling in her chest when breathing heavily, also she cannot meow. She is trying to meow, her mouth is moving, but no sound comes out. Not even a squeak. She is purring...